One of the differences between humans and other creatures is religion. Religious beliefs have long dominated human organizations, making religion one of the most effective tools for the establishment of kingdoms, their history, and their culture.
Mithraism, the religion of the ancient white Caucasian people of the northern Fertile Crescent, has been described as the mother of most world religions. It existed before Abram’s forefather worshiped any other gods and before a singular Deity called him out of confusion. It is the perception by the majority of people belong to Judaism, Christian, and Islamic religion that highly likely that Abram recognized that voice as coming from a ‘Yazata’, Mithraism’s term for one worthy of worship. The word ‘Yazata or ‘Ya-za-ta’ in the Kurdish language means ‘this is born within you’ because descendent Hebrew Jews kept the secret of Abraham true origin. The Yazidi Kurdish religion’s name comes from this origin of Yazata.
The discovery by American author Gene D. Matlock about Abraham the forefather of Hebrew Jewish people is bringing to service more question than an answer. Hebrew Jewish leader created Judaism religion and helped the creation of new Christian (this new Christian is not belong to Jesus of Nazareth) and Islamic based on lord Krishna and God Shiva of India. Lord Krishna, God Shiva and other God of Devas (Dew) worshipers are the different names for Arimanus of Mitra religion and Angra Mainyu of Aryan religion.
The animosity of Abraham and Hebrew Jewish leader toward white Aryan people as the worshiper of God HU are understandable now after the discovery by American author Gene D. Matlock about Abraham to be a son or descendant of lord Krishna.
The relatively recent discovery of foundations of an ancient civilization’s ruins at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey deemed 12,000 years old has challenged Jewish scholars’ claim that their belief system was the foundation of monotheism. The belief that Hebrew Jews are Semitic Black African by blood has also been confounded by DNA tests showing that they are white or Caucasian by blood. Both revelations raise questions about the legitimacy of Jewish religious and political supremacism.
According to the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh, which is called Christian Old Testament too) two white men Shem and Japheth, fathered the white or Caucasian races from which the Asian race presumably came and their brother, Ham went to Africa where he became forefather of the black Africans. Therefore, the majority of Jewish people are white or Caucasian by color and blood but as their ancient writings indicate, they were not only keen to adopt the false religion of India and then Africa, but also its language. This methodology stories by Hebrew Bible are meaningless for modern members of Judaism, Christian and educated Islamic religion. Also, a Black African Arab tribe was led by Muhammad one of the Abraham descendant established Islamic religion to destroy Sassanid Kurdish Empire and Roman Italian Empire with the help of Jewish scholars. Prophet Muhammad was the worshiper of God Shiva for forty years before adopting these stories and twisted to serve Arabs nomad to fight Sassanid Aryan Kurdish empire and Roman Italian Empire of Europe successfully. Persian, Arabs, and Turks were able to destroy both empires in time.
These misconceptions could well have caused the ideological antagonism that has long existed between the Jews and the rest of the white Caucasian people, including the ancient Medes and their divisions of Kurds, Lurs, Talysh, Parthians, Gilani and other Aryan groups, and continues to this day.
A religion refers to a set of variously organized beliefs about the relationship between natural and supernatural aspects of reality, and about the role of humans in this relationship, while religion is difficult to define, one standard model of religion used in religious studies courses, was proposed by Clifford Geertz, who simply called it a ‘cultural system’. Many religions have narratives, symbols, and sacred histories that are intended to explain the meaning of life and/or to explain the origin of life or the universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people derive morality, ethics, religious laws or a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions in the world.
Compared to other creatures, humans are much more capable of thinking and remembering. Thinking has always engendered questions in the human mind such as, why I am here? and who created the mountains, rivers, trees, animals, earth, sun, moon, wind, fire and water?’ More knowledge stimulated more questions, raising the ultimate question. Who created the universe?
The answers to these questions are reflected in the myriad of human ideas, many of which have struck chords of belief in hearts and minds. Believing in a set of ideas outlining humans’ relationship to God has become known as religion, which has been manifested in the actions of mind, body and spirit.
Over the millennia, the benevolent beliefs of religion have frequently been set aside by more astute humans to organize support for their leadership. In time, the leaders created kingdoms and empires. After thousands of years and the loss of millions of lives in wars over religion, power and resources, modern countries have developed more sophisticated political organizations and supported revolutions to assume the power held by corrupted religious organizations and the governments they ran. These revolutions have included the European Reformation, the 1848 Revolutions in Europe and the Russian Revolution, all of which have occurred in response to religious and economic repression.
However, religious organizations have survived and still work either behind the scenes or overtly to exert influence over or control governments, but in time, they could be outsmarted by more benevolent ideologies that draw on ancient truths.
Religious beliefs that began as the personal convictions of humans about spirituality and the nature of God have been highjacked by unscrupulous believers for the achievement and maintenance of their own wealth and power. It is inevitable that humans will look back to the original self-disinterested purposes of religion to create ethical political organizations, in order to eliminate the political power of religious’ organizations in governments.
Hebrew Jewish leader successfully controlled the mind of members of Judaism, New Christian, and Islamic religion. They used these religions carefully to control the economy of the world. And now they do not need religion or political organization to serve their interest anymore. Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan is using a different economic method to be out of their control, that is the reason they helped Turkey to kidnap him in hope to destroy Kurdish people revolution before the birth of it as an independent country. PKK organization defeated them and now most of the people in Europe and America are fighting such economic control.
Excellent and very interesting post!
Thank you for posting this as it is a thing I have been interested in for quite some time, as you may know from the blog on the subject I posted 2 years ago:
I am very interested in the subjects you write and speak about, as well as with the fact that you call God HU! While that word is known to have been a Sanskrit word (India) it is also found to be a proto-Germanic word spelled ghu, but I suspect pronounced much the same. Hu is the etymological source for the English word God, regardless of that having come from Germanic sources or Indian ones. The same term is found in many different areas in ancient times. Not only in Egypt, where it is the name of the Sphinx as well as a name of God, the ancient Irish also called their creator god HU. There are even sources in the Americas indicating that Native Americans may have also used some version of the same word in reference to the Creator.
I have a great interest not only in history itself, but also in the many subjects that split off from that general topic, such as the development of languages and the possibility that the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel may have actually been true, insofar as all of humanity speaking one language at one point in time. One example is that Hindi and English are actually quite well linked and similar, merely using different letters to replace those found in one language, but once the pattern is recognized, the similarities are quite easy to find and to see. I have taken down your email address from that other blog and will write you! I look forward to speaking again soon!