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NOTE from astrologer James Lynn Page: The ‘difference of opinion over Paul’s ascending sign’ has its roots in the fact that we have no reliable birth time for James Paul McCartney. I have studied the data given on and none of the various criteria in the sources is definitive. I have used my judgment as an astrologer in selecting which chart seems to fit best McCartney’s physical appearance, personality and lifestyle – for me this is Pisces rising.
Below is the astrological birth chart for Sir Paul McCartney, author of classic songs such as ‘When I’m Sixty Four’, ‘Yesterday’, ‘Get Back’ and ‘Penny Lane’. From Cole Porter pastiches to soulful ballads; from straight rock and roll to catchy pop songs, McCartney has always been known for his eclectic output, for his variety of songwriting styles and we’ll soon see how pertinent this is to the forces at work on his chart.
First off, he’s a sun Gemini and, as such, possesses all the usual virtues of that sign – versatile, breezy, sociable and communicative, changeable, curious to know and learn. Gemini is also a symbol of the archetypal Eternal Youth – a role he vainly tried to maintain in his sixties when he met Heather Mills. At least Geminis possess the ability to be interesting to others. Not only interesting but funny. This sign not only has its share of famous comedians, but also tends to have all the best comic impressionists, with that easy facility to impersonate and take on the characteristics of others. (Way back, Paul used to entertain his classmates with his wickedly funny impressions.)
Then there is Gemini’s love of change and variety: and I’ve mentioned how it surfaces in his songwriting, in that he’s made a career of dipping into many different styles and genres. (Another type of mimicry.) There is even a powerful link between Gemini and the medium of the pop song – many of our best known pop songwriters are Geminis or Gemini rising (Bob Dylan, Brian Wilson, Ray Davies, Mick Jagger, Noddy Holder, Prince, Noel Gallagher) and it may have something to do with being able to condense something catchy and appealing into a three minute single.
When we look at Paul’s ascendant it’s in watery, sympathetic Pisces. The rising sign often has clues to your physical type, and Paul possesses those soulful ‘doe eyes’ so characteristic of this sign: slightly on the large size and always sublimely dreamy. You can see the effect in other famous Pisces types such as Drew Barrymore, Daniel Craig, Liza Minelli, Raquel Welch (Pisces rising) or the late Kurt Cobain.
Psychologically, Pisces is the zodiac sign that symbolises universal compassion and sympathy (they make excellent nurse, doctors, priests or counsellors). Paul’s conversion to vegetarianism (a reaction to the cruelties of the slaughter house) plus his seldom reported charitable donations are an expression of this. Pisces is a water sign, and that means being finely attuned to people’ s emotions, not just intimates and friends, but humanity in general! This sign is so sensitive to what others feel, that they try to be all things to all people – and we can see this in Paul too.
The Piscean-Gemini makes him highly adaptable, very diplomatic and extremely charming: witness his cheery thumbs up gesture for the press photographers. Not only is this the airy casualness of the sun sign, but he’s giving them what they want. This tendency to be all things to all people, and to fulfil his appointed ‘role’ as a celebrity, certainly helped the Beatles’ popularity in their earlier years. You could argue that it’s self interest and he’s simply furthering his career, but he’s also giving something back (Pisces) to the fans, and even the press. Just watch any of those old TV interviews with the Beatles and you’ll notice his efforts (far more than the other three ) to please and placate. He was their unofficial PR person – note how very different from George was Paul’s attitude to being interviewed in the Anthology series.
And yet Paul McCartney is just as egocentric and eager for the limelight as was his erstwhile bandmate John Lennon. He is, as they say, a born performer, and he’ll pick up a guitar and sing something at the drop of a hat. This has much to do with his moon in Leo the sign of creativity, showmanship, indeed – showing off! But he’s been known to seek approval and encouragement when you’d think he wouldn’t require it – he really needs to know that others appreciate his music! The moon is also conjunct Mars and Pluto in Leo. Mars is our will power, our ‘get up and go’ and sense of initiative; and Pluto is where we face our own (but usually others’) power. In combination, these three planets make for a cast iron will, a stubborn determination to succeed whatever the cost. As his biographer Philip Norman put it, Paul McCartney has always hated being told what to do! (This merely hints at his powerful sense of self and readiness to get his own way – very moon-Mars-Pluto!) It also makes it so he can also withstand extreme hardship if necessary. (Not that it usually is necessary, but this resolve would have come in handy when he was imprisoned in Japan for ten days after custom officials found drugs in his luggage.)
On this latter, his experience of a foreign jail (though initially a shock) was in time handled with humble acceptance – what will be, will be. (He even sang for the other prisoners!) Look at the sun-Jupiter conjunction – on a chart this aspect suggests a kind of helpful Providence, and it is certainly the cause of McCartney’s relentless native optimism. If difficulties arise, so what – it will all come right in the end. For McCartney, there is an innate attitude that bad things are simply not meant to happen to him!
Like all Geminis, he also gets bored very soon – especially with tedious practical details. In short, he can lack the more patient and thorough approach of other signs. This could be seen when Paul ventured out of his specialist area (i.e. making music) and into films. Two movies on his CV that were driven by him (Magical Mystery Tour and Give My Regards to Broad Street) both suffered from this lack of application with the new medium – and were heavily panned by critics. Clearly, trying to be jack of all trades (very Gemini) doesn’t always work so well!
Whilst Paul’s sun is in Gemini, it also falls in the 4th house, symbolising home and family, the personal domain we make for ourselves to keep out the external world. Unlike typical Geminis, Paul McCartney is a traditionalist here. That is, whilst he loves to be loved by the public, and despite appearances, he’s essentially a private person. It’s why he went so far as to buy up all that land in Scotland extending his Kintyre estate – and making it impregnable to the general public. (Not all millionaires are as careful about their privacy!) The 4th is also our roots, our parental background and more often than not, one’s father. Not just the experience of your father (as an authority figure) but the kind of father you would make yourself. Again, Paul is ‘old fashioned’ here – bringing up his children as normally as possible. (More than one associate has said what an excellent parent Paul has been – and kids of rock stars are notoriously neglected!)
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