Who’s Running The Store?

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By Brother Jerome

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In many metaphysical circles, where all spiritual and religious differences are weighed and considered, the polarity of God and Devil are considered manmade dualities. that serve a purpose. On the higher planes, the existenece of an ultinate higher power (God) and anything adversariel (Devil) is literally beyond human comprehension yet on the earth we tend to dwell  in lower plane thinking regardind good and evil. They do exist but not always in the manner we collectively think they do. The following is a Christian perspective. The main point expressed here beyond the explanation is the consideration of what we COLLECTIVELY CHOOSE regardless of your belief system or non belief.

This is basic Christian theology on the question of God’s position regarding the earth based on an understanding of the Bible.

*God created the earth and all that is within it.

*He put man in charge of taking care of it with Himsef as advisor. It was a contract of sorts.Think of a father who gives over one of his farms to a son to run, allowing him to make mistakes but remaining available to his son when he asks for help.

*Mankind broke that contract by choosing another advisor, Satan, who from then on was the “god of this world”. Thus, mankind has chosen to live in sin and the physical earth has been left to the natural ravages of time and decay.

*This new god, Satan, dominates earth BUT the SUPREME GOD OF THE UNIVERSE has not abandoned his earthly human creation. He still hovers there and is available to those who seek him. Think of Noah and Abraham.

*Supreme God separates a people who seek and follow Him. These are the Jews, the spiritual forefathers of Christians, starting with Abraham. The very faithful Jews live in the spiritual Kingdom of God under a new contract. However the slackers by default live in the spiritual kingdom of Satan who is the god of this world, and is also known as the prince of darkness. The prince of darkness also rules all the other peoples of the earth.

*God has pity on Satan’s human slaves and devises a way to buy them back from Satan. The redemption price is a lamb’s blood, that is his death. There is no way around it. A pure lamb had been killed each year in the Jewish synagogue, but that sacrifice only applies for each 12 months period and then has to be done again.

*God has a permanent blood price He can pay, his own precious blood. He clothes himself in flesh (thus the incarnate Jesus) for 33 years, but remains pure, outside of Satan’s dominion. After a 3 year ministry of teaching, healings and miracles, He goes to the cross, at that time taking all the sins of mankind upon himself and nailing sin to the cross. He has taken the place of the yearly sacrifice to cover sin,but now permanently. God thus pays the blood price to buy back mankind from the god of this world, the old serpent himself, Satan. The slaves are set free. There is now a new contract, the Blood Covenant. The redemption price was very high, but because of his great love for us, God in the form of man chose to pay the price Himself, suffering great torture and death. He rises from the dead after three days and lives forever more.

*God sets his earthly disciples in charge of the teaching of this great spiritual phenomenon to all the world so that whoever wants to can shed off the old chains of Satan’s dark bondage and enter the Kingdom of God on earth. Each individual person”s way of getting these chains off himself is to EARNESTLY cry out to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for his personal redemption from Satan…and then live the life he learns about in the New Testament of the Bible. He allows his spirit to be born into God’s and thus never die. His earthly body, however, is still subject to decay and death. And the old serpent still roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. Many, not all, people still perish because of their lack of God’s knowledge. It is always man’s choice.

*So back to the original question: has God abandoned the earth? The answer is twofold: He has continued to abandon the physical earth for the time being, but HE HAS NOT ABANDONED THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH. He waits for their approach to his throne where each one will be cleansed of his chains and rags.”

Liz Marsh
