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From fairy tales to real life, reflective surfaces and still water all have something in common. They can be used for divination, magic, stealing souls and repelling evil. ~ John Michael Greer
By: Helen Murphy Howell
Ever since human beings became aware of their own image there has been fascination and mystique surrounding reflective surfaces. Folklore and legend have hundreds of stories relating to magic and haunted mirrors. Most, needless to say, tend to be warnings about the dangers of mirrors having negative, supernatural qualities.
Mirrors are also viewed by many as portals to other dimensions and with this comes the added risk of meeting the unknown. Here are some of the things said about mirrors:
•Mirrors have the ability to suck out souls therefore they must be removed from a room where an ill person lies as they are more vulnerable at this time.
•People were warned never to look into a mirror at night or by candle light. If you did so you would be certain to see ghosts, demons and portents of death – even your own!
•When a person died in a room the mirrors had to be covered or turned to face the wall. Failure to do so would result in the deceased person’s soul being lost – or they may even turn into a vampire.
•Even while asleep, it was thought best to cover your mirror as you could be vulnerable to attack from negative spirits or demons during the dark hours. Also, never place your bed in a place where it is reflected in a mirror.
•In order to prevent mirrors being used as a portal by supernatural entities, the mirror should be frequently moved to different areas of the room. Mirrors with a solid backing placed in the same position for a long period of time, are more likely to become spiritual portals.
So what kinds of experiences have people had with mirrors? There are hundreds of documented cases of haunted mirrors and they tend to have similar characteristics. People have reported paranormal experiences when:
•An old mirror has been bought/acquired and brought into the home.
•People, when moving into a new home, have had problems with mirrors left behind by the previous occupants.
•People have reported paranormal activity after using mirrors for divination/scrying. Usually no protection was used by the participants and it is thought that they may have created a portal. It is suggested that when carrying out any kind of spiritual work with mirrors to use a cleansing and protective ritual. If you are doing spiritual work that doesn’t involve a mirror or other scrying device, then these should either be covered or put away in a safe place.
•It has also been reported that the use of a ouija board can also create portals. Mirrors nearby are often claimed to be the origin or opening of the portal after a ouija board session.
•Often people have reported having experiences with haunted mirrors in hotels, friends/relatives home, visiting a place as a tourist etc. These areas usually, but not always, have a reputation for being haunted.
Phenomena reported in connection with haunted mirrors varies. The most common manifestation is the formation of images of people/entities other than the people occupying the room. However, it should be remembered that natural distortions and curious light effects can create a number of bizarre effects. Added to this is the brain’s phenomenal ability to create meaningful shapes and faces out of random patterns. But despite this, many of the reported cases of haunted mirrors were witnessed by more than one person at different times of the day, in various lighting conditions. Therefore, these cases may possibly rule out natural causes. Added to this, other forms of paranormal manifestations developed in addition to that connected with the mirror involved.
Paranormal Activity Reported With Haunted Mirrors
The phenomena experienced by people is diverse. In most cases, but not all, the energy seems to be negative rather than benign. However, some of the apparent malevolence might be due to a fear factor, suggestion or misinterpretation rather than a negative spirit. Paranormal activity includes:
•Shadow People – these have frequently been witnessed in connection with haunted mirrors and are common. People describe not only shadow people standing near to mirrors, but also within the mirror and entering or leaving them. Quite a few cases also reported other phenomena at the same time such as – cold spots, voices, noises and orbs. Odors – ranging from pleasant to vile have also been described. The shadows can take various shapes – tall, small, very thin, very fat, distorted, human, animal.
•Shadow Mists – basically similar to shadow people. The mists are not only seen entering and leaving mirrors but at times seem to form into more recognizable shapes – usually a humanoid one. Other people have described these mists evolving into dense, dark clouds or masses that move around the room as well as within mirrors. The feelings reported by the witnesses are usually of a negative nature. Anger, hostility and evil are some of the feelings experienced. In addition, people have given accounts of other phenomena happening at the same time – cold spots, lights/orbs, glowing eyes, growls/voices/other noises and poltergeist activity.
•Faces – this is probably by far the most frequent manifestation reported by people in association with haunted mirrors. The faces are, most of the time, human – and sometimes known to the witnesses. But there are a number of accounts where people have reported other entities/demonic faces appearing.
With this amount of paranormal activity associated with mirrors, it’s not surprising that they have the reputation for being portals. But what exactly is a portal?
Spirit Portals
Spirit portals are not a new concept. They have been around for quite some time. At its most basic level, they are claimed to be the entrance and exit points for spiritual energy and other dimensions. It has been claimed that portals have been captured on film, usually photographs. They generally appear as a whirl-wind or elongated, swirling shape. Below is some of the characteristics of a portal:
•A portal is thought to be a hole, rip, opening, window in the energy fields that surround the spiritual realms/dimensions. Energy beings such as spirits can slip through these openings into the physical plane.
•Negative spirits frequently come through portals. This is believed to happen because the astral layer closest to the physical plane is full of lower astral beings and energy.
•Most portals are believed to be a two way pathway for both entering and leaving the physical level.
•Very high levels of paranormal activity are claimed to be found near portals.
•Many believe that portals are found all over the world and there may even be certain hot spots.
•Many believe that not only spiritual beings can use portals, but also beings/aliens from other dimensions.
•It is thought that there are special, but very rare, portals that are completely positive. No lower astrals or dimensional beings can enter these unless they are spiritually advanced.
•Some psychics and those who are developing their spirituality, claim that not only can they sense portals, but they can also close and open them up.
•It is thought by many that portals and vortices are the same thing. However many psychics and investigators believe they are different. That a vortex is simply a pure band of energy, neither negative nor positive and is not a doorway. It can however, be used for meditation and other spiritual work.
•Not all psychics and paranormal investigators believe that portals exist.
•Apart from mirrors, portals are thought to exist in areas of entry/exit within the physical realm.
Places such as doorways, windows and even cupboards/wardrobes are thought to have contained portals.
“Moon and flame dance in glassy tomb,
The mirror’s eye in candle gloom,
Shadows stir and seek release,
gain ghostly entrance to the room.”
As with any paranormal phenomena it is difficult to know which cases are genuine or natural phenomena mistaken for something supernatural. But one thing is certain, mirrors will continue to play a part in alleged psychic phenomena.
We may never know what part mirrors play, if any, within the physical and spiritual realms. But the next time you pass a mirror and you get an odd shiver running down your back, take a good look at the reflection – you never know who or what might be staring back at you!
A pair of roommates from London say they have been plagued by all kinds of strange manifestations ever since acquiring an antique mirror about five months ago.
The owners, Joseph Birch 20, a student, and his roommate Sotiris Charalambous, 34, claim that ever since the mirror came into their possession they’ve had nothing but bad luck.
“Since the mirror was put up, everything has gone wrong,” Birch told the Mail.
“A few days after we put the mirror up, both myself and my flat mate have woken in the early morning hours screaming in pain. We both experienced what I can only describe as intense sharp stabbing pains throughout our bodies. They would strike us both at the same time, then disappear as fast as they came.”
At first, they thought someone was performing some kind of voodoo ritual upon them.
In addition to personal attacks, they’ve also been the victims of a variety of calamities such as a broken radiator and telephone line, rattling pipes, and items such as keys and cell phones that are constantly missing.
“I went into the bathroom one morning after hearing a loud bang. I found objects strewn out across the floor, and a tub of shaving foam, which had been on the other side of the room, down the toilet,” Joseph said.
He began to hate being alone in the apartment. “I became paranoid and had the uneasy feeling that I was constantly being watched.”
His anxiety levels rose so high his doctor had to prescribe antidepressants for the first time in his life. Both he and his roommate say they both feel drained of energy all the time, but feel fine the minute they leave the apartment.
The two also claim they see “flickering shadows” and “glimpses of black darkness” in the mirror and orbs of light in the room.
These problems heightened after Charalambous decided to paint the mirror frame silver. After doing so, the two began to suffer intense nightmares and Joseph was attacked in his sleep by something or someone that left him covered in scratch marks.
They decided they’ve had enough of the haunted mirror and are auctioning it off on eBay with a price of £100 and are revealing the truth about it because they feel full disclosure is only fair.
Charalambous has his own theory about the mirror. “I think someone could have been murdered in front of the mirror and that’s why it has been haunting our house,” he said. “I don’t think it the mirror likes it since I painted it silver. I took it to an antique dealer who said it was worth £100 once and that’s why we’re asking for the price, but we would ideally like it to go to someone who has experience of the paranormal.”
He would be better off seeking out the help of a Catholic priest.
In his book An Exorcist: More Stories, Rome exorcist Gabriele Amorth says that objects can indeed be infested (see page 159-160).
“In theory, every object can be cursed through a satanic rite performed by a witch doctor or anyone who has tied himself to Satan in any way.”
He goes on to clarify: “When I say that an object is infested, I do not mean that the devil is in it! I simply mean that it was exposed to an evil rite, generally with the intent to harm a particular person, and with the intention of achieving a determinate goal; therefore, it was made particularly harmful.”
He also warns that these infestations are very rare and a person should be aware of giving way to “useless fears, groundless suspicions, and insinuations.” – submitted by S. Brinkmann