Image by mohamed Hassan from
Probably two things to this:
1) Our modern world has been constructed as such by psychopaths and anti-spiritual forces. They used networking, deception, manipulation, force, demagoguery, and all kinds of cunning tricks to allow the corrupt to secure their power. They have control over much of mainstream media, entertainment, music, finance, education, medicine, science, universities, military, and industry.
So it’s a very hostile environment for good people. Good forces and good people still have a presence in politics, media, entertainment, music, and the other fields mentioned above, but they will always be the minority. The real reason for this is that the human species at the moment is relatively dumb, and so there are too many dumb or naive people who keep voting these politicians into power, who keep supporting war, who keep ridiculing the truth researchers and freedom fighters. So it’s basically a big population of sheep that are feeding a bunch of wolves, and so the good shepherd can neither manage the herd no take down all the wolves because there are too many sheep and the wolves are too strong.
The whole thing is a syndrome comprised of multiple problems.
First problem is that mental illness is rampant and legitimized in our culture to the point where the insane can hold political office, hence the existence of liberals/democrats for example. They don’t reason objectively; they rationalize subjectively. Logic for them is a tool to serve their emotions, prejudices, biases, and childish fantasies and truth for them only has value when convenient. So they are mentally ill, emotionally stunted, and irresponsible people, but due to good use of sophistry can appear sane enough to get into positions of power or earn respect from people dumber than themselves, of which there are many. But basically they are overgrown children or with bad logic and there is no boundary to the level of stupidity of which they are capable.
Second problem is that most people are extremely easy to nudge and persuade subconsciously by ghosts, demons, aliens, remote influencers, subliminals, voice-to-skull technologies, manipulated dreams, abduction and posthypnotic programming, etc. It doesn’t take much to find people who aren’t mentally put together very well, who lack intelligence or discernment or good reasoning skills, and nudge them toward certain viewpoints, beliefs, lifestyles, and actions. So long as they lack a critical level of sentience required for self-examination, self-correction, and lucidity, they are one-way programmable machines that take whatever input they are given. I think these comprise the bulk of what you’re talking about. They are groomed to act as mouthpieces for the control system, at every level of society not just obvious positions of power. They don’t always know they are mouthpieces. Most have just been shaped like clay to serve their function.
Some, however, are conscious of their roles. These are people who can hear voices, or can perceive the entities or at least what the entities project into their minds as an image of themselves (which is usually a disguise). These people are given a bullshit story about the benefits they’ll receive for working with these entities, and it serves their egos in some way. Many enter into an active relationship with the entities, allowing them or encouraging them to take more control. The person loses more and more of himself, and eventually becomes an instrument of these forces. Outwardly they can be good at hiding it, unless they are severely mentally ill then they’ll talk about it and appear schizophrenic to others and give it away. But point being that there are people who knowingly and willingly serve a hidden manipulator. The probably think of themselves as prophets or secret agents for that force, to be rewarded for serving it.
Then lastly there are people who are completely empty, fake, and entirely controlled by the hidden manipulators. They could be robotoids grown in a lab, a reanimated dead person now controlled by some AI, an AI program that doesn’t even have a body and only pretends to be human on the internet, or more occult/quantum possibilities like thoughtforms made temporarily flesh or some glitch in the matrix that creates a breathing human being but one who is only a holographic shell that can be puppeted by hyper-d forces. What distinguishes these from the previous examples is that they are 100% controllable and don’t have their own sentience.
So it’s a sliding scale really, from the more plausible and mundane to the more fantastic and bizarre. But all of these act sort of like the control rods in a nuclear reactor, slowing down the reaction. Or alternately, sand in the engine. They act as friction and control systems that moderate human civilization, adding friction, stress, and deception everywhere. They are the friction that generates the heat (loosh energy) that the matrix forces feed on, and the crude oil on our feathers that keeps us from flying. Some are just stupid childish people, others are groomed/programmed, others are actively being piloted by a nonhuman force.
Therefore the good people for the moment can only serve the minority who aren’t the sheep. That is, a minority serving the minority, and not globally but more regionally or like how I on the internet am only reaching a small percentage, but at least then it’s quality people over quantity, which is fine.
But basically, if physical force allows it, then a good person can get overrun or defeated from time to time. The spirit is immortal and other helpers can be sent, so from the big picture perspective it’s not THAT big of a deal with a good person gets taken out, as they just return home and come back for another try.
2) Good people aren’t always strong or wise or discerning or good fighters. There was a time when a good person was also a good fighter; these were the old chivalric knights from long ago. As centuries went on, “good” became contaminated with the idea of meekness, per the lies and mistranslations that were inserted into religion. And politically it became “good” to be against violence, to let the state/police do all the protecting for you, to hate guns and be a progressive person who was actually a wimpy hipster.
Point being that the ideal good person is someone who not only has a good heart, but is also brave, smart, powerful, and capable. Good people who are like harmless bunnies are okay, and many still achieve much. But when they come up against negative suppression, some go soft too easily. If they were also good fighters (social fighters, legal fighters, word/research fighters, etc.) then they could push back and balance things out more. In fact, I think that’s one of their lessons, to gain a bit of ‘tactical skill’ to make themselves a bit tougher, but without losing their heart or divine energy. That’s the only way to liberate dark forces from their own ignorance, to show them it’s possible to be a good guy and a bad ass at the same time, which is more than they will ever be if they stick to their ways. It’s not about being a devouring wolf or peaceful sheep, but about being the shepherd who has the best of both and then some.
Tom Montalk