Why The Ruling Elite’s ‘Dive and Conquer’ Principle Will Fail

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By Joe Cool

Why The Ruling Elite’s ‘Dive and Conquer’ Principle Will Fail

An escalating number of people are no longer accepting the general consensus of the masses. Instead they keep questioning those false or dubious authoritative tenets and hidden motives orchestrated by the ruling elite.

Many mass media outlets continue to experience further slumps in sales, suggesting some of this is proportional to the level of mistrust and lack of confidence given to them as truthful sources for reporting. How long will the meltdown last? Considering it is ruling elite owned and controlled I doubt if we'll ever really see truthful courageous journalism emerging from mainstream media.

While the same could be said about voting: The decline in voters suggest a growing lack of confidence in political parties as more people realize that the politicians have been bought off, in the pockets of corporations and bankers…

The statement made by 18th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer "All truth passes through 3 stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident" has never rung so true for so many.

Consistent with the principle behind Schopenhauer's statement we are nations divided by opinion on global governance:

There are those having realized the truth, that we have been massively deceived by the ruling elite using their mass media outlets and puppet politicians for their New World Order enslavement agenda trying to con us into the 'illusion of choice…'

Then there's those on the other side of the dividing fence who ridicule and may even violently oppose anything other than 'everything's fine that global governance is acting in our best interest…'

I have found that those having rigidly chosen the latter display certain behavioural characteristics. When mentioning the conspiracies related to the ruling elite's dark agenda they may:

1. Invalidate or ridicule with little or no knowledge of the subject matter

2. Have strong opinions NOT based on fact

3. …be unreachable: No matter how knowledgeable you are, eloquent, or good at communication when dealing with that person's idiosyncrasies… they simply just don't get it

4. Forcibly refuse to listen (in denial?)

5. Use force or even violently oppose any related peaceful activism

-You know the types?

We know, as history has shown, that no matter how long it takes truth has stood and will stand the test of time. What I'm saying here is that many who had displayed the above characteristics have eventually listened to reason and they then saw the light. Yes, as Schopenhauer would say, they accepted the truth as self-evident.

This is indeed encouraging. The ruling elite's 'divide and conquer principle,' to keep the masses ignorant; divided and against each other by false pretexts and opinions… and not seeing the 'big picture,' will fail.

Doomed to fail because as more and more people wake up and discover the self-evident truth, this will in turn create a major turnaround: The mass consciousness awakening when reached a certain threshold number will be enough to influence the outcome and give rise to a totally different world to the miserable tyranny planed for us by the ruling elite.

-There's never been a time other than now to be part of the team of conscious co-creators of the new paradigm experience!

Paul A. Phillips


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