Astrologers are keeping a close eye on December 22, 2020.
Why? An Astrological event of great magnitude that will not occur for many millennia will take place. There is a very good possibility that the famous "star" mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew will reappear.
There has been plenty of debate over the years and much controversy concerning the Star of Bethlehem – what it might have been or if there was actually such a star at all. Considerations have included a meteor, a comet, a nova, a triple planetary conjunction, an alignment between the planet Jupiter and the Fixed Star Regulus, and a conjunction of Venus and Saturn in the Constellation Regulus. The Bible recounts unusual and even impossible astronomical events at the time of the birth of Christ. Was it a onetime rare occurrence? Was the New Testament falsified and the 'Star' added to the story of the Nativity? The 'Star' has been accepted on faith and equally dismissed as myth. I've read and followed many scholarly endeavors over the years about the subject of the 'Star.' All follow methods using scholarly history, astronomy and some include Sacred Astrology which was akin to the arcane system of Astrology used by Nostradamus. One thing became very clear to me rather quickly and that was whatever phenomena took place it would have had to have been visible to the naked eye and that anyone doing serious research would have to literally "think" and "apply" theory like an ancient astrologer. My absolute favorite explanation comes from astrologer Alex O'Toole, an Esoteric Astrologer with over 50 years of experience. Here's a rehash of O'Toole's work. All quotes are his…
O'Toole reasoned that Johannes Kepler provided the most esoterically plausible explanation within a reasonable working timeframe. He had calculated a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn that occurred three times in 6 B.C., the date when most Biblical scholars believed Christ was born (Imprimis December 1996 vol, 25, number 12 pp.3 Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan). Are conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn unusual? Of course not but during this conjunction, Mars "overtook" Jupiter and Saturn causing a brightness in the sky and constituting an Astrological phenomena that occurs only about every nine hundred years or so. This conjunction took place in the Constellation Pisces. Mars provides esoteric symbolism here because it was the planet that governed Palestine/the Holy Land. Mars ruled Scorpio in earlier times (and is still co-ruler with Pluto) and Scorpio was the sign that governed Judea. According to O'Toole, "… both Mars and Scorpio had dominion over the eighth house which is the location for the mystical Christos, the Solar Logos. At that time Jupiter was the ruler of Pisces, thus doubly emphasizing its esoteric symbolism in this rare conjunction." Further esoteric symbolism is found via Chaldean astrologers who considered Jupiter the "Shepherd Planet" symbolizing Christ as the Shepherd of men and also considered Jupiter the "King" planet. Jupiter was always considered heavily in the birth of kings. Also, the Babylonian astrologers associated Saturn with the Hebrew God Yahweh. Saturn also rules the natural tenth house which in past times was associated with nations, governments, politics and KINGS and RULERS. Could the Three Wise Men destined to visit the new born Jesus taken all of the symbolism connected to Mars, Jupiter and Saturn to mean a great king would be born? There's a darn good chance. Scholarly astrologers agree that the Magi were Zoroastrian priest-astrologers. Zoroastrian astrologers were a distinct and elite group often hired to forecast future events for royalty and political leaders. The Magi would have been undoubtedly aware of the conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
So what about the conjunction occurring in 2020? What is so special about it? According to O'Toole, "First all the elements that comprised the Star of Bethlehem will be involved, plus the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto. Second, the tools that Nostradamus used to predict major world events are occurring on that date. In making many of his predictions, Nostradamus used conjunctions, then called revolutions, between Jupiter and Saturn, which at the time were considered superior planets. This astrological duo represents pairs of opposites, Jupiter being symbolic of expansion, while Saturn is synonymous with restrictions – or the antithesis of Jupiter. According to esoteric astrologer Alan Leo, Jupiter and Saturn are the most important planets in the solar system for they represent a critical stage between the real and unreal, the objective and subjective, the beginning or ending of a cycle. Thus they were in a stage of 'evolution,' and other planetary patterns to these two would help define the world event they are possibly attempting to predict."
The 2020 conjunction is a perfect conjunction at 0 degrees in the constellation of Aquarius making it even more rare. If we consider that we are on the verge of entering the Age of Aquarius this is pretty potent since a 0 degree cusp also indicates the ending or beginning of a cycle or phase. Further, because of the precession of the equinoxes this event will not reoccur for many thousands of years. Also remember that the original Star occurred during the Age of Pisces.
Another favored tool of Nostradamus and perhaps the one he is most known for was the use of ingresses. Ingress is the movement of the Sun into one of the four Cardinal Points of the Zodiac namely – Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice. On December 22, 2020, the Sun will ingress into Capricorn marking the Winter Solstice. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn and the natural 10th House all of which hold jurisdiction over governments and world politics. Mercury will also be in tight conjunction to the Sun in Capricorn. The Moon will be at 0 degrees Aries for a short period on that day making a perfect square to the Sun AND both a perfect pattern to Jupiter and Saturn. In the meantime, Mars will perfectly aspect Pluto. All in all there will be four perfect aspects occurring at 0 degrees. " … in many systems of mysticism, the Christos, the Solar Logos, is referred to as the perfect work."
Will we see a sign in the sky on December 22, 2020? We'll have to wait and find out!