"'Wake up, wake up'! has been said for ages, but not once did he awake;
Not once did he awake, how shall he ever find the Essence?
For ages and ages he has slept; who but the Saints [Sants] can wake him?
He has fallen into the net of delusion; who can release him from this bondage?
Whoever talks wisely to him, he listens not a whit.
Through the ritualism of the pundit [talking head, religious scholar, expert, authority], the whole world has been deluded.
'Wake up, wake up'! has been said for ages, but not once did he awake.
Man continues to stumble in ignorance and thus goes on suffering from the shaft of pain.
He is bereft of the company of the holy; who but the Saint can put him on the Path?
If he were to meet the benevolent Satguru, the primordial mystery would be unraveled.
Indeed, O Tulsi, the Master would wipe off the stores of karma and drive the Angel of Death away."
— Sant Tulsi Sahib, Book of Shabdavali
"The god of time [the negative power] has put a cover over the teachings of Saints and thus concealed them from humanity." (Shiv Dayal Singh, Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Book I)
"Kal* has besieged all the world. Few have cared to inquire about the Dayal (the Merciful)…. Few came to know of Sants, therefore the religion of Sants remained hidden, concealed. I now openly and clearly explain the principals of Sant Mat [Path of the Masters]."
— Soami Ji Maharaj, 1861, Sar Bachan Poetry, Volume II,
*Kal: lord of illusion, death, time, negative power, limited perception, universal mind, demiurge (false god),
"The Master has assumed a human form
to set you free, one way or another.
Serve him, follow him, devote yourself to him.
Don't you realize who he is?
He is Guru Nanak, he is Kabir,
he is Satnam, the true Lord,
he is the spirit of all Saints, past and present.
Only through your own Master
will you accomplish the goal of life."
— Soami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan Poetry,
quoted by Swami Ram Bihari Lal,
"The Way Out Is IN",
Sarai Rohilla Satsang, Delhi,
"Radhasoami gave His Darshan [Vision] to the Jivas [Souls] in the
form of Sant Sat Guru, and turned their minds
and Surats upwards and inwards."
— Soami Ji Maharaj, Sar Bachan Poetry
O Soul (Surat)! You suffer from the pangs of separation from your Beloved Lord. Take recourse to the sanctuary and shelter of the Guru. In this entire phenomenal world, you have no real friend; as it is, make the Naam (Ism-i-Azam, as revealed by the living master) your mainstay. Join yourself with the chord of Shabd* (Word*), and that will remove the barriers and open the door to the Higher Spheres." (Soami Ji Maharaj, The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami — Sar Bachan Poetry, Volume I, M.G. Gupta translation)
*Note: Surat Shabd Yoga: The joining of the soul consciousness (Surat) with the Word (Shabd) and merging (Yoga) with it. Once the Soul merges into the Shabd, it is carried by the Shabd to its Source (God, Sat Purush).
Anurag Sagar:
"The souls will come running to their home as is the nature of the
baby turtles;
The Messengers of Yama [death] will look at them and — becoming weak —
they will not go near them.
Becoming fearless, the Hansas [heavenly souls] will go, reciting the Sat Naam [True Name].
The Hansas will reunite with their family, and all the Messengers of
Yama will stand there helplessly."
"The Abode of Happiness where the Hansas will live happily is
And all the Hansas, looking at the Radiance of Sat Purush's Form,
will become happy."
"By speaking the Anurag Sagar Granth, I have explained to you the
Secret of the Inaccessible.
I have described the Drama of Sat Purush, and the deception of
Only the connoisseurs will understand the ways of living and the
Word of Discrimination.
One who will accept the Word after testing it, will know the Path to
the Inaccessible."
"I say this by the evidence of Shabda. One who accepts the Immortal
One becomes Immortal.
The soul who has hope from the Saint goes to the Immortal Plane.
0 Dharam Das! Awaken your mind and remain absorbed at the
Feet of the Satguru.
Keep the mind-the honey bee-in the Beautiful Lotus Feet of the
And keep your attention at the Feet of the Master. Only then will
you reach your permanent Home.
The Union of Surat and Shabda — when one gets Shabda, he
reaches the realm of the Saints.
It is the play of the drop and the ocean. What else can one say?
After meeting the Satguru, one understands the play of Shabda and
It is the union of the drop and the ocean. What else can one say?
Giving up the qualities of mind, one should follow the Path of the
Such a soul goes to Sat Lok [True Eternal Realm] and derives Happiness from the Ocean
of Happiness.
Understand the Jiva [Soul] as the drop, and the Naam of the Satguru as the
Says Kabir with proof: Dharam Das, understand this!" (Anurag Sagar)

Kabir’s Ethics