X Marks The Spot – Your Part Of Fortune

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By Skywriter

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The Part of Fortune is one of the most fascinating parts of the horoscope. Not being a planet itself, this mystical Arabian placement not only depends on planets and how well their energies cooperate and enhance each other, but also on another part of the horoscope that is also not a planet. Thus, if the Part of Fortune has no true independence of its own, how important a role does it play in our lives?


On a very simplistic level the Part of fortune may be considered a lucky spot in one’s horoscope – a source of opportunity through which one may achieve his greatest desires. Yet the idea of luck, opportunity, fulfillment, and completion remains abstract unless the individual makes a concerted effort towards his goal. It is the area where one finds JOY and abundance.


To find the Part of Fortune, we simply move the Sun to the Ascendant. Then, we move the Moon the same number of degrees and in the same direction we moved the Sun. Where this puts the Moon, is- The Part of Fortune. What this says about the meaning of this important Arabian Part is that when we move the components of the Primal Triad – our innate Spirit (The Sun) to co-join with our self (the Ascendant), then our Soul (the Moon), it  winds up in the most fortunate place for us, and this placement, by the meaning of the Sign and House it is in, becomes our Part of Fortune.


In essence: The Part of Fortune symbolizes that place in the horoscope through which the Sun, Moon and the Ascendant are in the best harmonic relationship to one another and are easily expressed to the greatest advantage for the individual.


Aries: Here the individual experiences the need and energy for activity. If he flows with this, he will find there are very few obstacles in his path that he cannot overcome. An inherent bravery pushes him onward so that he is able to transcend all of his self-doubts. His great successes come from realizing that this energy is strong enough to grant him independence.

Taurus: The person with this placement seeks all that is solid and enduring and does not care for those pleasures which are fleeting and superficial. He desires to know the meaning and uses of all things, so that he many construct a firm future. His joy is based on the ability to sustain and develop the substance of life.

Gemini: The Part of Fortune placed in Gemini gives one great joy through communication and learning, and the connection with people these engender. This person is seeking and gleaning new understandings from everyone he meets. The people in his life are more important for the ideas they convey than for who they are. Here, too, there is an attempt to keep things at a light level without becoming enmeshed in emotions. Many people come and go in his life, and he receives stimulation and information from all of them.

Cancer: This individual is given great joy when expressing the deep felt impulse of devotion. He seeks people and circumstances through which he can experience warmth and closeness. This is energy of feeling. There is much happiness derived from being close to nature, for it is through nature that one can feel the very essence of unity and cooperation with the universe. There is a desire for a childlike simplicity in all actions.

Leo: Here there is a great yearning to act as the “center” and be in command. Through self-mastery the individual seeks to be a source of inspiration and guidance to others. A leader must lead, and he must not shirk the problems and responsibilities which only he has the will and power to solve. Great joy comes from accomplishing large scale achievements which in some way stand as shining examples and symbols of what man is capable of when he uses his potential. This person not only seeks self-betterment, but also the improvement of the society as a whole.

Virgo: Here the individual achieves great happiness by creating a sense of “organized purity” in his environment. He seeks cleanliness, not only in personal hygiene, but also in the living and working quarters. He also experiences a kind of cleanliness in the way in which thoughts are organized. Highly sensitive to the external environment, this person is very aware of how much he is affected by personal responses to apparently negative emotion.

Libra: Here the individual reaches his greatest happiness through cooperating with an energy which can be called “non-self-assertion” He is most comfortable going along with others, rather than expressing personal desires which might disturb the harmony sought from the company he keeps. There is an attempt to blend with the desires of others. This results in a continual shifting of the point of view in an attempt to gain acceptance.

Scorpio: Here the individual reaches his greatest joy by participating in the process of regeneration. This is linked with sexuality, on the physical plane, and the spiritual quest on the higher mental and emotional levels. Sexuality, the essence of life and the creative force, becomes a very important factor in this individuals make up. There is an intense desire to probe into the meaning of life.

Sagittarius: Here the individual feels the energy of abundant freedom. He seeks both mental and physical open spaces and avoids confining situations and circumstances which limit his possibilities. Of all the signs of the Zodiac, this has the greatest ability to experience a joyful life. The existence here can be naturally happy and bountiful.

Capricorn: Here an individual reaches greatest happiness watching his life assume a definite form and structure. This person has many ambitions and hopes, but remains discontented until the necessary steps for their enactment have been formulated and set in motion. He seeks to keep in touch with his ultimate purpose at all times.

Aquarius: Here the individual experiences his greatest happiness by flowing with the energies of awareness and enlightenment. Unfettered by the bonds set by society, unlimited by the confines of predictable expectation, he is able to experience all that exists outside of the limits of established society. He seeks to know ALL-about man, the world, the universe.

Pisces: The part of Fortune placed here allows one to experience the joy of transcending time, space and thought. The powerful intuition and attunement to cosmic forces which comes from the part of Fortune in Pisces gives an individual a mysterious, magnetic quality. There is a sense that this person knows the unknown intimately. ….He also experiences the restrictions of living in a finite consciousness in which the only reality is thought to be that which can be seen, touched, or felt emotionally. If he is to be happy, he is not to identify with that kind of reality.

Part of Fortune in 1st House:

Part of Fortune in the First House suggests that your greatest success will come by developing independence and self-sufficiency – meeting life experience with individual initiative and not being dependent on the views of others.

Part of Fortune in 2nd House:

Suggests that you need to discover what is of real value to you. Money and the things it will buy are of extreme importance, but only insofar as how your possessions reflect true value. You can be extremely lucky with money if it truly reflects a sincere value. Eventually you will develop an ability to see what is personally meaningful and necessary.

Part of Fortune in 3rd House:

You will have the ability to meet the obstacles found within your immediate environment and deal effectively with them. Developing the ability to think clearly is what will bring your greatest fortune.

Part of Fortune in 4th House:

The feeling for home and roots will be strong. Happiness will come through building an emotional foundation strong enough to support future growth. This position gives the possibility of finding fulfillment in a broader way through identification with a social, professional or national whole.

Part of Fortune in 5th House:

Success usually comes from the growth of creative abilities, or in a will to power. Great joy comes from being deeply and intensely involved in all that you are able to create. With this placing you must be very discriminating with your choice of friends.

Part of Fortune in 6th House:

Happiness may be found in work, self-improvement and self-discipline. You will be at your best during times of crisis because of an ability to take the correct action. Great joy will come from developing your natural abilities and using them constructively in whatever field of work or service you may be involved.

Part of Fortune in 7th House:

Happiness is found in important human relationships that give a sense of direction and meaning to life. With this placing, luck and good fortune usually come through other people.

Part of Fortune in 8th House:

Happiness will come through your ability for financial management, especially other people s financial affairs – such as banking, contractual agreements, business, marriage, etc. Luck and good fortune will be bestowed on you by other people.

Part of Fortune in 9th House:

Happiness will come from a search for truth and the deep study of such subjects as sociology, psychology, religion and metaphysical law. There is also a possibility of distant travels.

Part of Fortune in 10th House:

You will seek happiness through accomplishment and in fulfilling a constructive role in society.

Part of Fortune in 11th House:

You may have the urge to be a reformer or pioneer of new social, cultural or spiritual values. Happiness will come from contact with bright, intelligent people or friends who stimulate your imagination with inspired ideas and noble concepts.

Part of Fortune in 12th House:

You may find happiness in accepting and thus transforming or dissolving your Karma to complete a cycle of experience. The achievements of this cycle may become the seeds or foundation of a new cycle. In an ‘occult’ sense, you may even find it possible to reach ‘personal immortality’, so that what you are as a formed mind is able to survive the disintegration of the physical body. You will find great happiness and joy through periods of solitude for meditation and attunement with your inner self.

Aspects to the Part of Fortune

No Aspect: This is a very common condition. It is interesting in this case to study the planet that is “closest” to the POF as it gives a clue of how the individual will achieve the end results.

Conjunction: The energy helps the individual reach his greatest JOY if he learns how to use it and operate it positive ways. The energy is “directive” and points out the path towards happiness in a way that the individual cannot help but fine it.

Square: A tension is created to “push” the individual in the direction of action. The individual also “learns” and appreciates the fact that JOY is something much more difficult to sustain than attain.

Trine: The energy brings “outside” circumstances in to the individual’s life which leads him to happiness.

Opposition: What appears to be “taken away” in one area of life is “given” in another area of life. Everything functions better when the POF is not used solely for personal benefit.