Xenophobia And Metaphysics

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By LOGOS - Overseer

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One of the worst forms of prejudice, and strangely also perhaps the one that is easiest to understand is xenophobia: we tend to fear what we don’t know, and we exaggerate what we’re afraid of. There seem to be so many things that divide us, and in a climate of social uncertainty and injustices it is tempting to focus on these. We have seen the rise of this to a worrying degree in all corners of the globe. There are many reasons to be deeply worried about xenophobia and other forms of social prejudice: reasons connected with flawed moral thinking, reasons having to do with devastating political and social consequences. In many ways, prejudice is the nemesis of the philosopher.  – Dr. Anja Steinbauer1

Fear. It serves its purpose in the larger scheme of life and healthy fear can keep us out of trouble but when has it been carried too far? Why is freedom of speech so targeted these days? When it comes to Metaphysics and spirituality and an individual’s rights to think as they will and believe what they will and above all to DISCERN, fear is fast going out of control. Critical thinking is weighed on the scales of obliteration – how much is too much? The xenophobes decide how much anyone is to be allowed to “think” and then to speak. That’s right, “to speak” and even worse what will be allowed to be expressed in writing on media platforms and even specialty websites. And what of spirituality? Heaven forbid (pun intended) an individual should turn to a Higher Power or GOD for comfort and insight of any kind. Why is that? It is because the opposers need and want power because it makes them feel superior and “safe.” It’s as simple and as complicated as that. Their way or the highway. Do as they say not what they do. Sorry – “your content does not meet community standards.”

The most honest definition of metaphysics come from Wikipedia: Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, between substance and attribute, and between potentiality and actuality. The three core branches of metaphysics are ontology, natural theology, and universal science. Other sources give it more of a bash because in today’s ‘follow the science’ culture is it deemed ‘too out there.’ For example from PBS.org: Derived from the Greek Meta ta physika (“after the things of nature”); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. AND from Oxford Languages: Abstract theory with no basis in reality.

And what about spirituality? This is a term used more widely in personal descriptions as people have grown leery about relating if they are part of any religion for fear of prosecution. According to rcpsych.ac.uk.com and atoncenter.com: Spirituality involves the recognition of a feeling or sense or belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. … An opening of the heart is an essential aspect of true spirituality. Human spirituality is composed of three aspects: relationships, values, and life purpose.

The opposers have rather cleverly lumped metaphysics and spirituality in with religion and formed one big ball of convenient cancellation. Thus they feel they need to attempt to rid society of what they deem a scourge of independent mindful scrutiny by those who are actually still thinking, growing and seeking. Big Tech is busy cancelling and removing interlopers on their social platforms who use critical thinking and are spiritually balanced in their personal approach to expression on those platforms. You see it is not just certain political ideals that have become targeted, it is anyone or anything that promotes truth, independence and individuality.

We are all currently living in a version of George Orwell’s 1984. The opposers have one thing in common however regarding Metaphysics and metaphysicians, they like to say, “They are all the same.” This is their usual irresponsible stereotypical belief. This could also be the furthest from the truth in the case of Metaphysics and metaphysicians. Any metaphysician worth their mettle will call someone out on their BS and point out irresponsibility. No excuses – no quarter. A metaphysician will never tell you what you want to hear because you want them to cater to you.

Under the current conditions ALL metaphysicians need to:

1. Stay connected with metaphysical groups, organizations and individuals.

2. Open-mindedly increase contact with other types of social groups’

3. Continue to speak your truth and not fear to make people aware of their own inconsistencies of belief.

4. Reframe your own negative thoughts and disappointments regarding others.

5. Push back against all this prejudice whenever practically possible but refrain from triggering people into frenzy because they cannot handle logical, balanced data. The idea is to listen to, validate and heal others. After all being a metaphysician is a higher calling.


1 https://philosophynow.org/issue/115/Thinkers_Against_Xenophobia_How_To_Deal_with_Pride_and_Prejudice


2 thoughts on “Xenophobia And Metaphysics”

  1. Love this!

    …and that about says it all. It makes me sick when I think about what cancel culture and Big tech is doing. Fear, fear, FEAR.

  2. Great piece

    I have been waiting for someone in the metaphysical community to say something about this.

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