Yesterday, 8 PM Nap Dream

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By Sisomsoc Seletsyc

Yesterday, 8 PM Nap Dream

I was dreaming that I wasn't quite awake. Laying on my couch I got up and walked outside.

I was trying to open my eyes but it was like I had a film on them. I told myself that I needed to wake up. When I realised I was at the edge of a cliff and looked up into the sky and say stars of many colors and hues. Then I woke.'

lots of lucid dreaming or almost lucid

2 thoughts on “Yesterday, 8 PM Nap Dream”

  1. This…

    is good! Keep doing it until you "wake up" within the dream and then can consciously control your actions…

    • Thought control

      I have been following the path of my thoughts lately just letting them go where they will.

      I have noticed a coolness to my actions and a calm in my dreams some of which would normally upset me.

      It is quite interesting to see just how thoughts affect our day to day lives and our subconscious mind.

      Last night though was very interesting first time i was seriously without this calm.

      I awoke straight out of being asleep and jumped out of my bed and turned on the lights.

      I felt as if a fire was all over me, or as if someone was in bed with me. It was a very odd sensation one that I was completely taken by surprise. I had to check my bed to see if something was there that would merit my actions.

      Thanks again

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