Yoruba Proverbs

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By Mojo


Yoruba Proverbs

Much of Africa's history has been passed on through the generations orally. One consequence of this is that morals and lessons have been crystallized in the form of proverbs. Here is a collection of proverbs attributed to the Yoruba people of Nigeria.

  • A man with sweet food before him can not understand the bitterness of famine.
  • Even if the youth has as many clothes as his father, he has not worn so many out.
  • However far a stream flows, it never forgets its origin.
  • No God is more demanding than your stomach – it requires a sacrifice every day.
  • One who defames another's character, also defames their own.
  • The man who waits for a perfect opportunity, will wait a life-time.
  • The world has reached a sad state when a cracking an egg breaks the pot.
  • Victory is achieved by he who forgives.
  • What makes sense today may be madness tomorrow.
  • Where you settle in old age depends upon where you stood in your youth.
  • You may tell little lies, small as a thorn, but they will grow to the size of a spear and kill you.
  • You will know who you love, you can not truly know who loves you.
  • If you never give palm wine to your elders, you will never learn their proverbs.


2 thoughts on “Yoruba Proverbs”

  1. a thing occurred to me…

    The man who waits for a perfect opportunity, will wait a life-time. But he who can create an ample opportunity out of an imperfect one, won't wait long at all.



  2. I’ve never seen these before …

    … and they are all quite wonderful! 

    This one is my favorite:

    What makes sense today may be madness tomorrow.

    That certainly has happened to me!

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