You Are A Jedi

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By TELLUS - Presider

"You must unlearn what you have learned."- Qui-Gon Jinn

I grew up on the original series and loved the characters, the story and how it sparked my imagination.  I was a huge fan of Han Solo. He seemed like about the coolest guy ever.  But I was also attracted to the idea of the Force and the way of the Jedi. 

The Jedi are the "guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy."  They gain access to the Force by training their minds and bodies to be in alignment with it.  I believe this is the way it works in real life too.  There is a greater force at play in our world, one that we cannot see.  We can feel it, if we tune in, but we can't see it. 

As Obi-Wan-Kenobi says: "Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them."

Everything in the universe is a result of cause and effect.  The world we live in is an effect, but what is the cause?  Religions and philosophies have tried to give it a name.  In fact, we've even fought wars over what it should be called.  But for the moment, follow me on the premise that we are the effect of some greater cause.

In nature, we can see that everything has a purpose.  It looks as if it was created with a clear intention.  I see that intention as an invitation and a command for it to grow.  We are the same way, as I see it.  The Force is causing us to grow and develop whether we like it or not.  So we can align with this force or we can resist it.  We gain magnificent and permanent power when we use this force for good.  We can gain temporary power by turning against it.  By going to the "dark side" we can make our own rules, write our own script, and borrow that power for our own purposes.  But eventually the Force will win, because that is how it must be.  One way or another, we will grow, evolve, and change into something bigger, better and more powerful.  This is our destiny.  We are simply the effect of that cause.

I see the Jedi as those who have embraced this process, this growth, this knowledge and this path.  The Jedi are polymaths or commonly known as renaissance men (and women) covering a wide spectrum of knowledge, they are:  teachers, philosophers, scientists, physicians, diplomats and warriors.  The Jedi embrace the greatness within them and align that greatness with the greatness of the Force. 

Jedi Master Yoda tells us "A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind." 

The path of the Jedi is not for the faint of heart.  It is for the most courageous, the most dedicated and the most disciplined among us.  If you are reading this right now, I believe you are just such a person.  My goal is to write for the heartiest, most inspired and most committed people out there.  That's how I know you are a Jedi at heart. 

Luke Skywalker got the fast food version of Jedi training in Star Wars.  Fortunately, he met Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back for a deeper understanding of the ways of the Jedi.  Becoming a Jedi is no easy task.  It is fraught with challenges and tests.  It will test every fiber of your being.  Gaining knowledge, wisdom, and a spirit to serve the greater good is a  Hero’s Journey.  Not everyone is called to that, and even fewer heed the call, but those that are demonstrate the highest level of commitment and desire.  The journey requires a great deal of patience and determination.  That is the biggest test for any Jedi.

As you gain power, it will be tempting to start to use that power before you have truly been initiated.  You will become frustrated and impatient, and you most likely will be angry and afraid. 

As Master Yoda tells us "Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate.  Hate leads to suffering."

This is a warning to those who seek this path.  You must learn to control your energy.  You must learn to focus your power on what is good.  To align with the Force, rather than take its power and use it for your own selfish means out of fear, frustration, anger or an unfulfilled desire for power and influence, will take everything you've got. 

"Now, be brave and don't look back.  Don't look back."  Shmi Skywalker (Anakin's mother)

The Jedi creed is, as written by Luke Skywalker:

"Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never attack others. 
  Jedi ferrets out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. 
  Jedi respect all life, in any form. 
  Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
  Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training."

I think this is a pretty good creed to live by.  With that in mind, I hope you enjoy the movie.

And May the Force Be With You, Always!

Dan Galperin




"You must unlearn what you have learned."  Qui-Gon Jinn – See more at: