You can but..

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By Sisomsoc Seletsyc

You can but..

You can protest but not against us

you can eat but only what we give you

you can pray but only to our god

you can support the war but only our side

you can write what you want but only if we approve it

we fight your wars and our sons and daughters brother and sisters die

the most you lose is ink from your pen when you sign the treaty

how does this make us free and not cattle

you shout heresy, blasphemy traitor murder deceit 


apparently you think it is alright for you to

degrade us, poison our food, blind us to the truth, force us into unjust wars and decide what is artistic expression or politically correct


live an let live

we are all equal until someone starts making all the rules

untouchables you are and your leprous disease will follow you down to where you lay


the circle is coming round

and things you once held under 

will rise again

and you shall know the truths that you have spoken

1 thought on “You can but..”

  1. nice!

    This conjures up so many thoughts about the current state of the world. Hope you are saving your prose.

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