by Benjamin Aum
You were born here on this earth as a part of this existence by the divine acknowledgement of your god self.
You were chosen as an important life and a creator of universal importance, in which you are intertwined with every living entity on this planet and universe.
You have the right to your personal space and center your being where ever you decide to go.
You have the right to live in the manner that you wish to create and spend your life in the way you want to exist.
You are more than somebody, you are equal to any man, no matter whether you are poor, intelligent, Ignorant, or any different in race or in beliefs.
You have the right to express yourself in regard to anyone who infringes your space or for any reason to express your self with ideas or opinions so long as they do not infringe on others equal freedoms.
You are here as a living representation of life in this free world.
You have the right to walk on this earth without fear, judgment, or restrictions.
You have the right to free water and the right to grow your own food, to hunt, fish, gather food, and use the earths resources to maintain your existence.
You have the right to believe or know any spiritual path or philosophical way you see that makes your own life better.
You have the right to have away to heal your mind, body, and spirit in the manner that you see fit for the pursuit of your over all heath.
You have the right to build a shelter, and to use land in away to provide safety and comfort for your self and family.
You also can help those who can not take care of themselves by building their own shelter.
You have the right to love anyone you choose and to share with who ever you can help so long that it is their consent.
You have the right to refuse to participate with any government, laws, social groups, religions that you deem unfair, unreasonable, and unjust.
You have the right to be an individual without participation in groups or societies.
You have the right to refuse to fight wars and to kill innocent people.
You have the right to labor only for yourself and to take care of your loved ones.
You have the right to keep all the things that you labor for.
You have the right to refuse taxes and charges that anyone creates to take advantage of your labor.
You have the right to bear arms of any kind and to keep weapons for the protection of yourself and loved ones.
You have the right to kill and not be charged if someone causes you fear of your life or tries to enslave you or your family, so long as you can justify this cause.
You have the right to exercise your freedom of daily living without police or monitoring process.
You have a right to privacy without any infringement by any person or group.
You have the right to assemble people with justifiable cause who will investigate those who are planning malice against the populace and to protect this earth or the well being of many people, but they must disassemble when the matter has been resolved.
You have the right to do what is moral in terms of reason, logic, and compassion.
You have the right to gather wise men for council to advise on human affairs, without the formation of politics.
You do not have the right to claim more land or earth resources than you can use or personally labor for.
You do not have the right to kill, torture, maim, cripple anyone who has not directly threaten your life.
You do not have the right to form a group or government that separates people into groups to exclude others for the purpose of stagnation or special privilege.
You do not have the right to own water nor the process that purifies that water which belongs equally to everyone, regardless of the source.
You do not have the right to put chemicals in our food or water or to pollute the natural resources of this earth unless in keeps the water or food from being unsafe to consume.
You do not have the right to alter nature in anyway shape or form, unless it is agreed by the consumer.
You do not have the right to pollute our skies, our air, our earth or the earths natural resources.
You do not have the right to claim that you are a higher power or race than everyone else because of knowledge, bloodline, wealth, nor physical force.
You do not have the right to judge who will live and who will die unless they are directly in the process of trying to take your life or the lives of your loved ones.
You do not have a right to hunt or kill more animals than you can eat to sustain your life.
You do not have the right to create anything that can destroy the earth or endanger life on this earth.
You do not have the right to cause separation of loved ones, unless they are ill and must be held aside to keep others from being infected, and must be examined by medical personal.
You do not have the right to keep things secret or to hoard important information that can help humanity by making things more efficient.
You do not have the right to be greedy and hoard more than you can use, unless you labored directly for it yourself.
You have the right to live in harmony and peace with all that is on this earth so long as you respect, love share.
We must remember our past down falls and errors, so that we may never repeat them again.
Unto thee I grant the serenity of life, love and wisdom.