‘Dja ever look in the mirror or see your reflection in your ‘puter screen and shout “eek, that’s not me”?!?!?!
Do you wonder if others see you as you do? How ’bout as you want them to?
My how our minds play tricks on us, huh!
It happens too often for me… I have an image of myself – in my mind’s eye – that doesn’t always match the reflection I see. I often notice that the image I see is reflective of either how I’m feeling or how I “see” myself that particular day. Luckily, sometimes I’m pleasantly surprised too!
I take two paths with this one; (1) from an age perspective and (2) from a ‘who do you think you are?’ persepctive.
I’ve heard lots of folks say they’re a particular age in their mind’s eye. I dunno, for me, I’m perpetually 21. I often wonder why! Maybe ’cause that’s when I was truly coming into my own… becoming a full-fledged adult… felt I could conquer anything.. liked the way I looked best?
I can only imagine that it’s the same for everyone… maybe the age we see ourselves as has to do with when our mind / body / soul was most in sync.
Funny how our ‘state of mind’ is its own reflection, eh? The other night, during my ‘dog walking thoughts’, I was musing at how how I see myself and my life doesn’t really match how I feel about myself or how I’m living my life.
Somehow, though, based on feedback, I’m able to portray the me I think I am to others, yet it doesn’t necessarily match how I think I conduct my life at this time.
So, I ask myself… where’s the breakdown… why amn’t I who I think I am? Or am I and is the disconnect only in my mind’s eye? Or, have I allowed “noise” to interfere and play havoc.
Okay folks, so now you’ve gotten a glimspe into the condundrumical things I think about in delving in to how the psyche works and how it impacts who we truly are and whether we not we really honor or accept who we are!
While I have my own theories for each of the perspectives, I’m gonna leave it hanging for now and open it up for discussion:
1. What age does your mind’s eye see you as?
2. Are you who your mind’s eye thinks you are?
Discuss… discuss…
i DO match my inner view, BUT
i DO match my inner view, BUT, the way i look is very much changable too, i can make it the way i'd like it to be, but at the very same time, i have NO control, simply because i cant control anyone else or the way that they perceieve me or anything else….generally, others see me as better than i see myself, but i do that purposely too, as a means of ego control.
hmmmm… are you sure?
so… shabda… i found myself reading and re-reading your comment as i find many contradictions within your one sentence.
surely you've heard how "BUT" negates everything that preceeded it… and the only words you have in all caps are BUT and DO…
then you go on to say there's no control yet you purposely control…
so, i have to ask… what's controlling what?
Hmmmm …
I kind of look at this as a fun trip down the rabbit hole from which you emerge a better being but only if you have paid attention.
This is a tickler …
… and I am pink.