Your Smartphone Is Spying On You

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By SHABDA - Preceptor




Your Smartphone Is Spying On YouIf you install an app on your smartphone these days, the chances are that it will ask to see your location, as well as other personal identifying data – and saying no to it will likely disable most, if not all of its appealing features.

One classic example of this is the newly remadeGoogle Maps for the iPhone.  Obviously, being a maps application, it needs to know your location so it can help you with directions to and from home.  Another is Foursquare, which relies solely on knowing your location so it can broadcast it out to the whole world.But in the rush to get involved in these apps, and be part of the “in-crowd”, how safe are these “location-based services” and is it worth the trade-off between security, privacy and safety, versus a convenient cool little app on your phone?

Our infographic today, courtesy of Online is all about this very important subject.  When you allow location-based services to kick in, you are basically handing over all of your personal information to third party advertisers. But the vast majority of smartphone users would still use location-based app, which seems to suggest that, in this day and age of 24/7 Internet marketing, people really don’t care too much about who has their personal information.  As long as they have a cool phone app in return.

What are your own personal feelings on this? Are you willing to trade security, privacy and safety, in return for a cool smartphone app?  Or does your privacy win out every time?  Do you think smartphone users in general have become immune to online advertising and therefore do not care about who knows what about them?





3 thoughts on “Your Smartphone Is Spying On You”


    It is well documented that cellular phone, as well as popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, are nothing more than means by which to spy as many people in the world as possible.


    Anything digital/electronic can and will be hacked, and can and will be used to spy on you.


    Psychologically, these marks of the beasts are already implaneted into us – collectively, we go nowhere without them and always have them in our pockets. How soon before they are implanted into us? How soon before we are turned into machines? Sooner than you think – all they need to do is market it on television and the sheeple will be lining up in droves.


    Paper is King.

  2. no army necessary

    there is a single computer that CAN keep informaton on, and track every person in the world simultaneously. The NSA has done this to the American public for decades. Thery have the time, manpower, and motivation to do so. Never trust a cell phone, ALL of them are constantly giving off that indivual's location.

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