The Zero Point Field: Evidence That Everything Is Connected

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By ZERO POINT - Executor


Discovery of the zero point field by physicists has led to a revision of how we think about the body, the mind, and our relationship with nature and the universe.

Scientific exploration into the field of quantum physics, and the discovery of the zero point field of energy, is providing us with evidence that everything we experience in the physical universe is, in fact, connected.

However, science must face an impossible challenge as it tries to explore the true nature of the universe at this level. That challenge is; we must use the physical manifestations of that which we are trying to observe – our physical senses, and the tools and instruments we create to enhance our ability to perceive.



It's like trying to look at your own head with your own eyes.

The best you can do is to observe the reflection in a mirror, and draw conclusions from a two dimensional representation of your three dimensional head.

You will never be able to see your own head with your own eyes.

Likewise, the tools scientists must use to observe the universe will never really be able to see it. But they can observe the image or reflection that is the physical manifestation of the Mind.

Although science can never give us an experience of who we really are, it can hold up a mirror in which we can see a clearer and more detailed reflection.

Remembering that we are not the reflection we see with our brain, it becomes possible to look back upon ourselves with the Heart, and experience our power, connectedness, and oneness reflected in the zero point field.

In her book, "The Field", Lynne McTaggert describes scientific evidence that points to a world view in which consciousness creates reality, all things are connected, and the universe we live in is a hologram.

McTaggart, an investigative journalist (What Doctors Don't Tell You), describes scientific discoveries that she believes point to a unifying concept of the universe, one that reconciles mind with matter, classic Newtonian science with quantum physics and, most importantly, science with religion. At issue is the zero point field, the so-called "dead space" of microscopic vibrations in outer space as well as within and between physical objects on earth. These fields, McTaggart asserts, are a "cobweb of energy exchange" that link everything in the universe; they control everything from cellular communication to the workings of the mind, and they could be harnessed for unlimited propulsion fuel, levitation, ESP, spiritual healing and more.

There is a Zero Point in the human heart that gives us access to inner guidance and accurate perception of the physical world.

Accessing the Heart for a more true and accurate perception of the true nature of your reality can be accomplished in a number of ways.

Meditation, spending time alone in nature, gardening, art, music, one of the many techniques developed by others – or physical activities like sports or dance. Use your intuition and inner guidance to explore and find what's right for you.