Almost every year a story on the news tells us that astrologers have the zodiac wrong and that you're not the sign you thought you were. Veteran astrologer Steven Forrest addresses this recurring question and puts it to bed once and for all.
Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer has been coined by some as the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. It is a real constellation that lies between the constellation of Scorpio the Scorpion and Sagittarius the Archer. It is an Ancient Greek constellation that can be historically dated back to the time of Claudius Ptolemy, the Father of Astrology. By way of explanation in order to clarify doubt about a “13th sign”, most astrologers use what is known as the Tropical Zodiac which consists of twelve 30 degree signs that originate with the Vernal Equinox. These twelve “signs” have the same name as the constellations but that’s where the similarity ends. (You'll notice this in agreement with the video above).
The 4th century B.C. Babylonians invented the 360° circle and the twelve 30° signs of the Zodiac which were properly called the Fixed Zodiac. The Babylonians also invented planetary and solar and lunar tables in order to be able to calculate “positions.” In the 2nd century A.D. Ptolemy adopted the Tropical Zodiac (originally invented by Hipparchus in the 2nd century B.C.) to calculate his solar, lunar planetary and star tables. Around 300 A.D. astrologers began using the Tropical Zodiac and continue to use it to this day. This is why the astrological Tropical Zodiac has only twelve signs and does not include Ophiuchus as an actual Zodiac sign in western astrology.
The Sun enters the constellation of Ophiuchus every year between November 30th and December 17th. Those born during this time span are believed to harbor innate healing abilities. If you were born during this time span and feel strongly that you are a healer, you can add these ‘possible qualities’ to those of your Sagittarius Sun Sign!
November 30 – Those born on this day can be best described as iconoclastic by nature doing everything their own way. They believe in simplicity when it comes to health and healing and are sometimes interested in a vegan diet. In a healing venue, November 30th Ophiuchans tend to function solo and are very dedicated healers who believe strongly in the “power of humor.” They are effective healers of children and young adults.
December 1 – This Ophiuchan vibe has strong leanings towards holistic and herbal medicine. Reiki facilitation and those who specialize in chakra adjustment and aura cleansing are found among Ophiuchans born on this day. Sports medicine and therapy are traditional paths for December 1st Ophiuchans.
December 2 – December 2nd Ophiuchans believe in the pursuit of happiness. When they are not happy they often feel it in their physical bodies as general malaise. They also believe in the power of positivity and make good spiritual speakers and life coaches especially if the lecture circuit includes travel.
December 3 – Long life is the goal of this Ophiuchan. Keeping fit and active is very important although there is some tendency to put on weight. Those born this day are very good at seeing the big picture and tend to be both good talkers and listeners. Counseling is the forte of this placement.
December 4 – This is the placement of extremes and there can be fanaticism about maintaining good health OR conversely there can be great carelessness regarding it. Those born on this day however do believe that attitude is everything and they are quite remarkable at handling others. Besides people, they also have a great love of animals and their innate psychic talents make them excellent animal whisperers or more traditionally excellent veterinarians.
December 5 – Those born on this day tend to have good health BUT they also tend to have bad habits. There is plenty of nervous energy and consequently they learn the most through tough life experiences that they have brought upon themselves. Relaxation techniques are of great benefit to them which they like to share with others. Yoga instruction is a good for this Ophiuchan.
December 6 – This Ophiuchan is into total balance of mind, body and spirit and can do well in any holistic venue making an actual career out of healing and/or helping others. Traditionally speaking they make wonderful medical doctors with a bedside manner to match.
December 7 – Ophiuchans born this day tend to be interested in Eastern Practices. They are natural Reiki practitioners and acupuncturists if they so choose to pursue these venues. They are also knowledgeable about body detox and place great importance on a clean environment.
December 8 – “Feeling good” is the motto of individuals born this day. They tend to be a bit renegade when it comes to physical health and take advantage of it but they do believe strongly that stress and tension are the biggest obstacles to good health. A good night’s sleep and maintaining low blood pressure is the goal of this Ophiuchan. Since personal integrity tops their list of priorities they can be trusted and make good counselors.
December 9 – This is generally considered a hearty placement. The individual believes in a positive attitude and a good daily physical maintenance program. They tend to make good physical therapists, exercise instructors and health teachers.
December 10 – This is the placement of physical fitness bar none. There is a great love of the outdoors and all types of outdoor exercise. Despite all this physicality, this Ophiuchan will take time out daily for spiritual nourishment garnered through meditation and reflection. Sports medicine can be their forte.
December 11 – Once they have learned from experience how to break bad eating habits, these Ophiuchans become icons of vitality. If they the chance to heal someone else’s emotional or physical pain by giving them the benefit of their own experience they will quickly step up to the plate. There is often an interest in the medical field or health associated volunteer work.
December 12 – Competitive by nature, those born on this day literally seem to be in perpetual motion. Fast challenging sports seems to be their forte. They tend to be better talkers than listeners and make good inspirational speakers healing others with their positivity about life.
December 13 – Health maintenance is a series of lifetime trial and errors. December 13 Ophiuchans have an interest in everything from exercise to nutrition often experimenting with whatever has their attention at the time. Once they get a handle on whatever health venue they have decided to pursue and study and a balance is achieved, their wisdom about a chosen health subject tend to be very profound. When they gain a level of expertise they make good health lecturers and teachers.
December 14 – Generally robust when it comes to health those born on this day tend to look beyond traditional means to enhance health. They are often interested in various forms of energy healing and like to compare the old methods with new visions regarding healing. Crystal healing, chakra balancing and aura cleansing hold particular interest for these Ophiuchans.
December 15 – Those born this day tend to have an interest in a proper diet usually based upon serious food issues they have overcome. Those who have learned to properly appreciate the value of good nutrition make excellent dieticians.
December 16 – Oddly enough those born on this day are not overly concerned about health maintenance. They are reluctant to exercise unless they get “emotional satisfaction” from it – for example – hiking a serene mountain trail or walking on a beach at sunset. Because they tend to be tuned into nature and the peaceful joys of simple things they make good listeners and counselors.
December 17 -Testing physical endurance is the goal of those born on this day. Exercise in any form, the tougher the better, is the golden key to happiness. They make great weight trainers and health coaches. If they can attune to their spiritual side through some Soul Searching they make wonderful empathetic counselors and touch therapists.
The healing qualities of Ophiuchus are not just restricted to this elite Sagittarian group. An individual can also be imbued with healing traits if the main star of Ophiuchus, the Fixed Star Ras Alhague, is making a connection to their natal chart. Astrologers who work with Fixed Stars check to see if a chart is influenced by these heavenly bodies by observing if there is heliacal rising and setting, parans with planets and culminations to pivotal points of the chart. Please consult a professional astrologer who works with Fixed Stars and collective archetypes if you are interested in this type of information. (By definition, the term paran refers to the simultaneous rising, setting or crossing of the meridian of planets and/or stars via the observer’s latitude. It is strictly a visual process and is dependent upon the location of the observer when viewing the sky by eye. The term heliacal rising means “rising with the Sun.” This occurs when a planet or a star, after it has been hidden by the Sun's rays, becomes again visible. The term heliacal setting refers to when a star is overtaken by the Sun and is lost in its rays. The Heliacal rising or setting of the Moon occurs when it is within 17° of the Sun; other stars and planets, when within 30° distance.) Astrologers using good astrological software programs have Fixed Star information readily available.
The original constellation of Ophiuchus (who is also known to the Greeks as Serpentarius the Healer and to the Romans as Asclepius) is actually broken up into two constellations – Ophiuchus, the serpent holder or handler and Serpens, the large snake in his grasp. Since the serpent appears on both side of Ophiuchus, it too has been divided into Serpens Caput (the head) and Serpens Cauda (the tail). In general, the serpent is a very ancient cultural healing symbol and represents, among other things, revitalization and transformation through discretion and sagacity – all of which are akin to the ancient premise of “shedding old skin” and rebirth. Ophiuchus learned his healing skills under the wise tutelage of Chiron and his influence can be felt in all types of healing from physical to spiritual to social and even political. At any rate, the individual is inclined to “give healing.” According to Fixed Star expert Bernadette Brady, the physiological correspondence of Ophiuchus is “the lymphatic system as the defender of the internal body.”