Ah spring… that most glorious time of the year which promises new beginnings and new knowledge! This season’s Discerning Minds is no exception to that rule so get ready to read some great articles by our writer’s guild and guest contributors. Variety is the spice of life in this garden so grab your spiritual spade and dig in …
The Human Condition – Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
- Bed of Thorns
- Relationships, Metaphysics and Magnetic Polarity – Do We Click?
- An Appearance of Truth
- Learning to See
- Soulless Eyes
A Matter of Spirit – Metaphysical, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, reincarnation, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
- A Righteous Imagination
- Ego – Easing Good Out or Exercising Good Outwardly?
- Choices and True Motivations
- How Closely Are We Connected?
- Enthusiasm
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
- Elective Health Astrology – Timing Procedures
- Healing With Gems, Stones and the Seven Rays
- Telluric Nwyfre Exercise
- Psychic Vocabulary
- Let There Be Balance
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
- Benjamin
- The Owl Curse
- Object Hauntings
- Out in the Woods
- Forensic Astrology and the Paranormal
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
- A Witch’s Garden – By the Light of the Moon
- The Test
- Is There a Dark Brotherhood?
- Magic, Stars and a Touch of Alchemy
- Some Underlying Truths about Religion and Magic
Sacred Sciences – Esotericism, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, I-Ching, Pendulum, Kamea, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers.
- The Halls of Heaven
- A Glimpse of Cosmobiological Thought
- Metaphysics without God – Is there a Purpose?
- Psychic Prey
- Interview with a Knights Templar Commander
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
- The Garden of Stone
- Pierce Art Gallery
- Jenner Art Gallery
- Kane Art Gallery
- Rosenfield Art Gallery
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns.
- Yolks
- Besmirchers, Clowns and Ratfinks
- What is your Number of Fortune?
- A Full Figure Analogy
- The Truth about Merlin
The winter season is upon us all! Whether you are celebrating traditional holidays or simply taking time to complete life tasks during the Earth’s renewal time join us in some entertaining literary mind expansion … it will be worth the effort!
The Human Condition – Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
- Ho-Ho-Ho!
- Contemplating Frosty the Snowman
- You Suck!
- Only Human Nature
- Actors and Politics – A Not So Unique Perspective
A Matter of Spirit – Metaphysical, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, reincarnation, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
- Do You Want to Know a Secret?
- Unique Minus Critique
- Is There Reincarnation?
- Meditation for Rediscovering the Green
- The Nine Question Contemplation
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
- The History of Stellar Healing
- Interview with Dr. Bernie Siegel
- Self-Imaging
- Cosmic Healing Timetable
- The Lunar Diet Guide
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
- Wintertide
- The Séance
- Bah Humbug
- Battle
- What the Cat Dragged In
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
- Thirteen is the Master
- The Four Prerequisites to Entering the Mystery
- Pendulum Divination to Test Food
- Picatrix
- Anahata Nadam Exercise
Sacred Sciences – Esotericism, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, I-Ching, Pendulum, Kamea, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers.
- A Number is just a Number … or is it?
- Valentine Express – Made for each Other
- Fear Not the Void of Course Moon
- Raed Waen
- Trinity Rosary of Protection
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
- The Poet
- Natural Path
- Art Gallery 1
- Art Gallery 2
- Art Gallery 3
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns.
- The Ascent
- The Pros and Cons of Elves
- Klatuu Barata Nikto
- Xeno’s Lenses
- Re-SOUL-tions
Welcome back faithful readers and curiosity seekers. Are you ready to be tricked and treated as you partake of the spiritual fare in our autumn issue? Let your mind travel from the caverns of the supernatural to the outskirts of the universe to the land of the odd and the mazes of the psyche. It should prove to be a fun trip as you expand your consciousness and test your discernment.
Choose your route from the following offerings and be ready for a few surprises:
The Human Condition – Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
A Matter of Spirit – Metaphysical, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
Sacred Sciences – Esotericism, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, I-Ching, Pendulum, Kamea, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers.
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns.
Never judge a book by its cover but from what you uncover …
May your perusal be rewarding!
Are you ready for some abstract challenges that will stimulate both your intellect and spiritual mettle? This season's issue will take you from the outskirts of the Cosmos to the depths of the human psyche to the world of art, the land of the quirky, and the realm of the supernatural. Jump on board the metaphysical train. You never know who you might meet – perhaps even yourself.
What's your perspective? Are you ready to engage the challenge?
Welcome to Discerning Minds Metaphysical Quarterly for the Abstract Enthusiast. Our Premiere issue features a plethora of mind challenging original subjects – everything from the metaphysical to the arcane to the paranormal.
Get ready to take aim at this selection of sections:
The Human Condition
Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being.
A Matter of Spirit
Metaphysical, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, meditation, quantum, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
Body Temple
Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods.
Phenomena Files
Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs.
Arcanus Obscurum
Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
Sacred Sciences
Esotericism, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Numerology, Runes, I-Ching, Gematria, Kamea, Enneagram, crystals, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, codes and cyphers.
Creative Musings
Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
Odd-vant Guarde
Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns.
Don't judge a book by its cover rather by what you uncover.