It’s officially summer and the living is easy and let’s face it you’re lazy. The problem is your brain wants to be engaged so why not compromise? Plop down in your favorite chair by the pool, set down your margarita and pick up your lap top or device of choice and the download latest issue of Discerning Minds. Wasn’t that easy? Have a spirit refreshing summer!
- Where is Neville Goddard when We Need Him?
- What If?
- EGO-centric
- Imponderables
- The Laugh Meditation
- Love
- Prescience
- Scout Spirit
- Illusion’s Gift
- Is God Energy?
- Healing with Chiron
- Using Numerology to Choose a Medical Procedure Date
- What Are You Thinking?
- Remote Healing
- Chakra Food Therapy
- Dinosauroid!
- How Do You Check Credentials of a Paranormal Investigator?
- The Door to Somewhere Else
- IT Will Get You
- The Boogeyman
- Uncommon Adornments
- Mystery Rock of Tumwater Creek
- Malocchio
- Elemental Magic
- Time for Alchemistry
- Is Ophiuchus a Real Zodiac Sign?
- Indian Thumb Reading
- Universal Chat
- Clash of the Zodiac
- Blavatsky’s Masters
- Kelly Kazara Poetry Gallery
- Kerry Hensen Quilt Gallery
- Suzanne Donovan Art Gallery
- Trip Morris Art Gallery
- Sandy Wytyshyn Art Gallery
- O Pine Needles
- Faster Than the Speed of Light
- Jungian Apocalypse
- Just Shut Up
- S.I.M.P.L.E.
As the old song implies, summer breezes can make us feel fine so why not take your phone, tablet or laptop outside and pluck yourself down under your fave tree and read the newest collection of wisdom, humor and mystery in our latest edition. Just don’t step on the gnomes – they tend to be busy this time of the year!
- Tainted
- How to Keep Doing Everything Wrong
- He, Whom or What
- Fallacious G
- Insane Words
- Karmic Consequences of Abortion
- The Fallacy of Faith
- Stretch
- Breaking the Ties that Bind
- I AM There
- The Healer Dwells Within
- Lunar Healing
- Are We Subject to Galactic Disease?
- Armanen Runic Healing
- Uranian Medical Astrology
- Interview with Jaysen Q. Rand UFOlogist
- Ghost Ships
- Carl Jung – Champion of the Paranormal
- Karma Ghost
- Was Hitler Possessed?
- Urania’s Gate
- Táltos
- Cagliostro
- Anything Goes
- Talismans
- Nosy Psychics … Take a Walk on the Darkside
- Is the Tarot a Representation of the Constellations?
- Hoaxes, Fraud, and the Scandalous Fun of Self-Delusion
- Freedom of Speech, Metaphysics and Philosophy
- Water
- Mikey Pierog Poetry Gallery
- David Pierce Art Gallery
- Mer Mandela Art Gallery
- Mete Sepken Art Gallery
- Mary Travis Custom Craft Gallery
- Down with Pessimism!
- Tesla’s Weather Engineering
- The Box
- It must be on the Moon
- Bunga, Bunga, Woogie, Woogie
The Winter season is upon us! Get away from all the hustle and bustle out in the cold to take a break with a cup of hot cocoa and the latest edition of Discerning Minds. You’ll be glad you did!
Winter 2018 – 2019 issue content:
The Human Condition –– Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
- The Great Imposter
- The Path
- Face Peel
- Earth School and the Accountability Report Card
- Charitable Interference
A Matter of Spirit – Esotericism, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, reincarnation, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
- And Thus Spirit
- Black Soul
- Older and Wiser?
- Where the Heart is – A Song of Life
- Individual Negativity and the Soul
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
- Breath of the Dragoi
- Precious Stones and Healing
- Arcturian Healing
- Astro Signs and Wand Healing
- RELAX – Meditative Mantra
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
- Silent Night of the Dead
- Shraap
- Kallikantzaroi
- The Haunted Ornament
- Protective Colors
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, visions, Kamea, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
- Dream Sending
- Starlore and Magick
- Magus
- Sorcerer’s Desk Reference – Auguries
- Rune Messages
Sacred Sciences – Metaphysical, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Astrotheology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, prophecy, pendulum, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers, conspiracy theories, meta-history, secret societies.
- Prophet of Doom
- The Complete St. Germain
- The “Lie” of the Land
- Cosmic Laws
- The Law of Psychic Phenomena
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
Poetry and Art:
- A Fanfare to Angst
- So You Think You Are an Über God
- Trip Morris Art Gallery
- Kerry Hensen Art Gallery
- Steve Kane Art Gallery
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns. Quirkology.
- The Legend of Pranky the Elf
- The Art and Science of Bullshit
- What the DMT Showed Me
- One of Our Planets Is Missing
- Cosmoscope
Put away your Margaritas and scuba gear and get ready for a crackling fire and the Fall TV season. What’s that you say? You’re not a couch potato and you’re too busy rummaging through your Aunt Tilly’s attic trunk for a Halloween costume. Take some time out and challenge your mind with the latest issue of Discerning Minds … you’ll be glad you did!
Fall 2018 issue content:
The Human Condition –– Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
- The Mill Wheel: Understanding the Psyche using Imagery
- I Am 0
- Be Nice or Not
- The Puzzle of Life
- Is The Occult Evil?
A Matter of Spirit – Esotericism, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, reincarnation, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
- Es Muss Gott Gewesen Sein – It Must Have Been God
- The Sun Took Our Angels Home
- Paying it forward at the Big Chicken
- Self-Imposed Karma
- None of Them
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
- The Seven Flames of Healing
- The Journey within – Accessing Past Lives
- Astro-Quantum Healing
- Daimon
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
- Sinister of Sin Halloween Greeting
- The Enigma in the Mirror
- Red Energy
- The Ghost Who Liked to Read
- A Thanksgiving Day Haunt
- The Reaper Awaits
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism, hermetics, alchemy, visions, Kamea, divination and methodology, angels and daemons.
- A Crystal Scrying Possibility
- Witch or Wonder?
- Daily Animal Totems
- The Book
Sacred Sciences – – Metaphysical, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Astrotheology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, I-Ching, Pendulum, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers, conspiracy theories, meta-history, secret societies.
- The Truth about Albert
- 22 and 14
- Healthy Spaces – House Clearing
- Composite Chiron in Relationships
- Haunting at 159
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
Poetry and Art:
- Scale
- Jeff Church Art Gallery
- Andy Gill Art Gallery
- Krista Eaton Art Gallery
- Mer Mandala Art Gallery
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns. Quirkology.
- Defying the Law of Gravity
- Sanada of Clarion
- King of the Pile
- Understanding the Law of Psychic Protection
- Halloweenie
It’s summertime and the living is easy but that is no reason for your brain to go soft. Go find the hammock or a cozy place and enjoy some summer fare – oh, and don’t forget your sunblock!
The Human Condition – Serious or humorous narratives, or prose about life, emotions and empathy based in life experiences, psychology of being, dream analysis, synchronicity.
- Suck Ups
- Thrown Under the Bus
- Evolution
- In Your Mind’s Eye
- Line in the Sand
A Matter of Spirit – Esotericism, Higher Mind, Karma/Dharma, reincarnation, meditation, symbolic or religious/spiritual metaphoric accounts.
- How Would You Feel?
- Living in the Now
- Spirit Speaks
- The Jewels of Life
- Are You a Pagan Christian?
Body Temple – Alternative health, holistics, ancient and new healing, mind methods, auras.
- Changing Your Inner Tuning
- Christ Light Sigil for Reiki and Magic Healing
- Astrological Guide to Cell Salts
- Crystal Color Sending Healing Meditation
- Colors
Phenomena Files – Paranormal, extranormal, ultra-normal and unexplained experiences, Parapsychology, cryptids, UFOs, curses.
- Sam I Am
- UFOs are Paranormal Too
- Dealing with those who have been subjugated by Negative Entities
- Who’s calling?
- A Lingering Glance
Arcanus Obscurum – Ancient theories, magical arts, sagery and magery, shamanism,
- Crystal Kamea Magic
- The Three Mothers
- Runes and Magic
- Pendulum Scrying
- Rhetoric and Spin: Are They Forms of Glamour Magic?
Sacred Sciences – Metaphysical, Mastership, Astrology, Cosmobiology, Astrotheology, Numerology, Palmistry, Runes, I-Ching, Pendulum, Enneagram, crystals, OBE, Qabalah, Tarot, quantum, psychism, codes and cyphers, conspiracy theories, meta-history, secret societies.
- The Universe Isn’t That Stupid
- Mind over Matter – An Interview with the Amazing Kreskin
- Let’s Get Meta-Mental
- Truth Questing
- What Really Happened At Hanging Rock?
Creative Musings – Original artwork, poetry, prose, fantasy tales, stories with morals or messages.
- Ali Jamil Poetry Gallery
- Bonnie McGee Poetry Gallery
- Mikey Pierog Poetry Gallery
- Marino Art Gallery
- Fouts Art Gallery
Odd-vant Guarde – Atypical, curious, paradox, eccentric or uncanny chronicles and yarns. Quirkology.
- The Fickle Finger of Fate
- Elfology 101
- My Name is Zandor
- Star Light, Star Bright
- The Tao of Meow