Turning Anger Into Righteous Indignation
Submitted by Baal Shem on

Image by Gerd Altmann from http://Pixabay.com
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Image by Gerd Altmann from http://Pixabay.com
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
The Shechina is understood as the feminine presence of God. When we feels God's presence, we are feeling the Shechina. I've never given much thought to what this meant, but recent study has made me realize that I had been thinking of the Shechina as the warm and fuzzy side of God.
Submitted by Baal Shem on
Magic describes in a general way the ability to cause certain things to come about or manifest. It is normally divided into two types, white and black. Yet magic itself is neither good nor evil.
Submitted by Baal Shem on
A good explanation by Aaron Askanasae …