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How many times have kicked yourself for not following your inner voice, your inner ear or just trusting your gut? How many times have you said to yourself “I knew I shouldn’t have done that!!”…. and how many times have you paid for it later? If you’re anything like me, you could say a lot.
And then there are those people who just seem to have it all figured out, well at least, for the most part. They seem to have that extra sense. Their tuned in and locked on and life seems to flow more naturally for them.
Yes, they can be aggravating for those of us who don’t always see the world quite so clearly.
Or for those of us who know the path, but just can’t seem to put one foot in front of the other and follow it with what appears to be blind faith. Many of us are still so accustomed to more logical and rational (right brain) thinking that we block out our own intuitive knowing of what we should do, making the more safe play in many of life’s circumstances.
There is one major difference that separates highly intuitive people with everyone else, and the difference is trust. Highly intuitive people know how to trust themselves.
They have an internal knowing that they don’t need to muddy and meddle with things in life. In fact, they understand that the more they interfere, the more they become a hindrance in the natural unfoldment of life’s journey. It’s the way of no way so to speak, and through it, we find that life will always align itself with the experiences we need to find fulfillment.
11. Their Partners
A highly intuitive person chooses their partner not by looks, physique, material possessions or any other ego driven persona. An intuitive person looks deeper. Equipped with a built radar that pierces beyond to find what rests in their potential mates heart.
Quite often you will hear a highly intuitive person say that they chose their partner above all else because he/she “had a good heart”.
10. Their Careers
A highly intuitive person will not choose one career over another because of a larger salary.
When faced with career decisions, they will choose the place of work where they feel the most connected to those around them.
They seek vibrational alignment and mutual understanding with their coworkers.
They want to work and create with those that bring them happiness and fulfilment.
9. Their Passions
Highly intuitive people most always have a passion or a calling. They can’t help but be creative as their intuition breeds creativity, building upon each other. Creativity is always beckoning for an outlet and the more in tune we are, the more we are need of one!
8. Where They Live
Highly intuitive people require solitude and lots of it in order to rebalance and recharge.
Alike to empaths, highly intuitive people are aware of the energy around them at all times and are very observant. In tight living quarters, they are able to feel the energy of others and will quite often scope out their surroundings before signing any kind of long term deal. Intuitive’s prefer living along side bodies of water, or wide open green spaces and when they can’t get their fill of the forest, they will bring nature to them, literally.
7. Their Friends
Intuitives know themselves very well and by this wisdom attained they understand others on a deeper level than most. Intuitive’s will keep their circles small but are known to be very likeable and approachable to others.
Highly intuitive people are often drawn to friendships that will encourage their own personal growth and seek those who can match their level emotionally by mirroring themselves in order to illuminate the hidden aspects of their shadow.
Highly intuitive people will have learned hard lessons in friendships and will have lost many along the journey, all the while knowing that each served as a stepping stone in their soul progression. Intuitive’s aren’t afraid of these relationships and are thankful for the lessons they bring.
6. Their Body
I eat what I want…. when I want!
Intuitive’s are known to be ‘snackers’ and they listen to what their body needs in order to function at an optimal level. They know that great energy flow begins with taking care of your body first and intuitive’s know how to listen.
5. Their Goals
“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but better than I used to be”- Wayne Dyer
Highly intuitive people are not usually highly competitive or in constant competition with others.
They tend to measure their success by looking back to see what they have learned and how far they have come.
4. What They Value
“More people would learn from their mistakes if they weren’t so busy denying them”- Harold J Smith.
Above all else highly intuitive people value honesty. They understand that every single person on this entire earth is here to learn and evolve and they appreciate those who can own up to their own faults. They highly value wisdom attained and understand that wisdom can come from hard lessons.
3. Their Activities
A highly intuitive person will naturally engage in activities that will balance their energy.
They will be automatically be drawn to what they feel is ‘out of sync’ and will seek to rebalance themselves as soon as possible.
This will typically occur without a conscious thought process as they find themselves sporadically participating in outdoor activity, a yoga class, gardening, clay moulding, painting, reading, writing, meditating, or simply listening to music.
2. Synchronicities
From an outsiders perspective, a highly intuitive person can be viewed as someone who is quick to draw conclusions or someone that is always looking for meaning even in the smallest of synchronicity. But to the perceptive one, a highly intuitive person understands that life is created by our own imaginations. Our thoughts create our reality, and our energy attracts our experience.
A highly intuitive person will quite often notice these meaningful coincidences through rapid thought manifestation and signs from the universe by way of symbolism.
1. Their Dreams
A highly intuitive person understands that dreams are the gateway to understanding themselves better. As it is only by knowing ourselves that we can truly become the masters of our reality.
Through our dream state we explore our own emotional depths, we work out problems to every-day life situations, and we connect to a higher level of consciousness where we gain insight on our own soul called journey, life purpose and collective evolution.
Highly intuitive people may regularly look to dream interpretation in order to decipher symbolism and may even keep a dream journal.
So how intuitive are you?
You may have noticed by this list, that the purpose of this article is to illustrate that we are all highly intuitive, but only if we choose to be. We all have an inner voice, and we can choose to listen to it or choose to ignore it. Each time you ignore however, life becomes a little more difficult. The path becomes a little more steep and little less clear.
So choose to listen. Choose to trust yourself and choose to always follow your heart. May your journey always be guided.
by LJ Vanier