Submitted by Dalia Wren on

Some people have an abortion and move on with their lives.
Other people have an abortion and it causes such a huge healing crisis, be it conscious or shoved into their unconscious. The only problem with that is it will express itself in a number of ways. Via depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and a host of other physical and emotional problems.
Such was the case for me after I had an abortion 7 years ago.
Abortion for me solved one problem. But created a whole nother can of worms. But I suspect there's worms were there anyway and were just more visible now that I had a reason to delve deeper, deeper than I had ever gone before.
I spent 7 years on a journey to work through the after-effects of abortion. I wanted to just get on with my life, just move on but parts of my psyche felt differently. Nothing in my life had affected me as much, or as deeply, as the recovery after the abortion but it was a mystery to me why.
I had tried so many different kinds of therapies and still I had symptoms. I had depression, anxiety, I tended to feel anti social, I had guilt and a sense of self punishment.
It didn't matter what my head said, or that I understood my reasoning behind it, at a deeper level I was suffering and for the life of me I couldn't understand why. Why it lingered. Why I had flashbacks and emotionally relived that short procedure.
After being in denial and on antidepressants for a few years, I decided to tackle it anyway I could. I tried EFT, I had mediumship readings, I had therapy, I read quite a few books, I had a huge amount of understanding, on all levels.
Finally the biggest relief came when I understood and experienced healing at a Soul Level. By looking at this terminated child as a Soul and not just a body, I realised that I had a Soul Group history with this Soul, and my connection with this Soul took me on such a journey of self discovery, one that I don't feel I would have taken without it.
In fact that journey is how I found my vocation to be a psychic/medium/healer. I felt that soul had to come that far into my body and life in order for me to "get it". Talk about a huge tap on the shoulder.
As a mother it went against all of my natural instincts to do the emotional and spiritual works to "let this soul go" and trust that this wee spirit wasn't wafting out there all alone.
But energetically and emotionally hanging onto the spirit of this unborn child is what was keeping me stuck as well.
In fact I looked like I was still pregnant years after I had been through the termination.
Are you still hanging onto the spirit of your unborn child? If you're not willing to let go then chances are that energy is still affecting you.
If you are suffering after an abortion, one that happened weeks ago, or decades ago, then it may be time for you to take this spiritual journey of healing.
It's a grief that's often seen as taboo. It's a double edged sword, you chose to have an abortion so why cry over a choice you made? And having an abortion wasn't always so easily to get and it still is cloaked in controversy even though millions of them are performed each year. So there's a sense of relief as well that we are "allowed" to have one so easily.
Perhaps your Soul is calling you to do the deeper work, one that takes you to a Soul level of understanding. And until you, then the psychological and emotional pain will still linger.
Kate Strong