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Are You A Heyoka?


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Empaths are highly sensitive beings; they are sometimes often perceived to be mystique. This is due to the qualities they possess that transcend ordinary human attributes. They are highly susceptible individuals with the innate capacity to discern what people around them feel and go through. Empaths often have a hard time to filter out their feelings from those of others; they are so buried into whatever situation or circumstance that is around them. In other words, when the environment or situation is fun, they are so into it, when it turns bad, they cannot just escape being moody and depressed. In essence, for people who are empaths, neither their happiness nor bad times are whole. It has a feeling of bittersweet. The most salient point to note about empaths is their drive of showing empathy towards people. Nonetheless, every human being in one way or another can empathize with one another, but the most valued and the one at the apex of it all is the "Heyoka". However, It is only a few out of many that are considered Heyoka empaths. In Native America, the term "Heyoka" means a sacred clown. It is also used to refer to individuals who are like emotional mirrors to the people around them. A Heyoka empath possesses the ability to absorb and do away with negative energies around him or her. They also can be described as one who acts in a way contrary or different from the way everyone else does. A Heyoka empath views things very differently compared to the paradigm of other people.

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