Submitted by Holmes on

Image by Shane White @
For the past 4 years, metaphysicians and spiritual counselors have been warning people about their weakened resistance and the resulting rapture “catch and hold” doled out by the politico-media Vulcan Mind Meld. There are only a few not caught up in its grip who saw it coming, tried to warn people and then got ignored. The fear laden repeated mantras of hate and vengeance for the “other guy”, the guy who thinks differently and doesn’t agree with you, worked with ease garnering swift results. With great skill, the madness got you in its grip and held you like a vice. We have a divided country with people even more angry and unwilling to reconcile than ever before. The media puts its intentional political agenda out there and we the people bought it hook, line and sinker. It was delicious like grandma's chicken soup.
A precedent was set.
All this discord and for what? Politics? Really?
The winning side (if you want to call it winning) now wants peace and unity. How are they approaching this? Either with angry platitudes of “suck it up” or condescending rhetoric that would turn even the mildest mannered individual off. Once a precedent such as this is set neither side is likely to roll over and play dead or roll up a joint, sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya.
Why is it this way you ask? Fear and mistrust for that other side. That side that called you names, doxed you, made attempts to ruin your businesses or threatened your family and even accosted you in public. Now we are offered a messiah-like individual who will rule us and make everything right and bring unity. In reality this individual can’t accomplish jack sh*t in that regard. It’s a dog and pony show – insincerity and wool pulling at its best.
Who can?
You can, because at the end of the day YOU are to blame because you allowed yourself to get embroiled in and mesmerized by what you were told and believed at the time. You still believe it too. It was very clever – you never saw it coming and it brought out the worst of your self-righteous animal instincts. Once that happened, it became easy for you and everyone else to be controlled and to stay under control and continue playing the blame game.
You got that? You are under control. You allowed it.
No one pseudo messianic individual can fix it.
The government can’t fix it.
Your shrink can't fix it.
Your preacher, rabbi or spiritual counselor can’t fix it.
The Collective Majority of which you are a part can fix it but only if you realize that you stepped into one of the best and most evil bear traps of all time.
Funny thing those “precedents.” They don’t like to go away.
It’s no fun stepping into a pile of Horsesh*t is it?
Tippin' my hat to ya'!