Submitted by Krishna on
Yagna spirit:
Everywhere around us from the Twinkling stars to the Flowing Rivers nature serves the world in the Yagna spirit.
The Sun Shines : But demands NO appreciation from anyone.
Rains Fall : Rivers flow : Plants Flower : Trees Bear Fruits ; Oceans heave ;Towering Mountains Stand ;
All serve the world to make it what it is and none of them seem demand even Passing recognition from the people benefited by it.
They all do their duties discovering a Joyous fulfillment in the very performance.
The idea of the Yogna spirit is the universal law of nature and is given out against an awe inspiring and dignified back ground.
The power to cooperatively work together for a desirable Goal is YAGNA spirit. This is a selfless cooperative endeavour.
Alas !! Men cooperate and act as a Team more often for DESTRUCTIVE WARS than for constructive work or creating peace and Harmony among themselves. It is due to a WEAKNESS INHERENT IN MAN that He fails in his attempts at co operative endeavours.
Known Facts:
We know if we all decide and decide and cooperatively work for a cause Good or Bad , we can succeed. We can make a Heaven of earth or a Hell of Life around us.
Needed Sacrifice :
In order to work cooperatively , each will have to sacrifice his EGO and his personal desire Gratifications.
The Yagna spirit is a GIFT received from the creator by Man – as a community , not as an Individual.
The power of changing the world is in the Hand of the community. They can exert this power only through SELFLESS DEDICATED TEAM WORK …..
The Dynamism of Togetherness can change the world and inaugurate any progress conceived by Man.
When Men in a community strive co operatively , without EGO and EGO CENTRIC DESIRES , the COSMIC FORCES that constitute the environment , shall cherish them in turn .
Chockalingam Eswaramurthi