Submitted by Dichotomy on
Image by Karin Henseler from
Who are we really calling upon when we ask our “guides and angels” for help? They could be false light beings that pose as angels and helpers from the astral realm, and these types usually want something in return. Now that the veils of illusion ore dissolving, we are finding out that not all of our so called “guidance” has our best interests in mind.
If you have been following my articles, you know there have been several articles about the False Light Matrix, or demiurge. In these articles I have explained that there are beings posing as archangels, guides, and “lords” of the light. Very clever confusion has been inserted with the new age term “spirit guides”. Many people have given their power over to paying homage to beings of “light” that may or may not be of a benevolent nature. Even Lucifer is a bringer of light, do you want Lucifer to be your guide? The real question becomes, why are we giving our power away to someone outside of ourselves?
It seems that the beings caught in the astral realm will do anything to feed off of our energy, including bringing messages forth that seem like they are full of love and light and have our best interests in mind. Most of these deception tactics will include mostly spiritual “truths” to hook you and then will include the one thing that drains your energy right out. Many times these beings will pose as spirit guides that claim to be helping you along your journey up the ladder of spiritual growth.
Examples include suggesting a particular spiritual practice that will allow them to tie into your energy, asking that you meditate on their image in your third eye, or leading you to pray to them for help. These tactics are very similar to the religious doctrines. Other tricks include ongoing false hope that may include giving specific dates for a great transformation or “the event”. If they are tied into your chakra system, they can very easily implant “visions” that you would defend because after all, it came from your own third eye. This constantly causes disappointment which can lead to negative energy and depression. Another example is that they may lead you to live in a certain place that is not good for your energy with the guise of having a “job to do”, which brings confusion as your vibration continues to decline.
Many people have stated seeing Jesus in an apparition state in person or have had an ascended master appear before them. Some people see these beings in their third eye in a meditative state or have dreams about them. Sometimes these beings actually ENTER the third eye. False light beings easily have to ability to emulate feelings of love and “home” during this kind of contact by taking your energy and mirroring it back to you. This false love that they project is recognizable because it is the same tactic they used to trick souls into staying in the reincarnation cycle over and over again.
There are definitely beings from the true light- outside of the demiurge that are available to help guide us. True beings of the light would never tell you what to do. They are not allowed to directly interfere with humanity unless the planet is about to be destroyed by nuclear weapons. They would NEVER jump into your third eye, solar plexus, or other energy vortex. But just as a child grows up and learns how to be independent, the real lesson is beginning to be realized. Since we are all aspects of Source, we as Source do not need any outside protection.
Recognizing any being that is greater than you automatically leads to giving your power away by thinking you are lesser than that being. It doesn’t mean that you cannot call on your true higher self team for a bit of matrix assistance. However, calling on a bit of assistance and giving the power away to master your own matrix are two different things.
The biggest fear of the false light beings is for us to realize that we are a fractal aspect of Creator/Source being that has the ability to create reality and manifest from the organic background energy (void). They do not want us to realize that they have been feeding off of our Source energy because we are their last vestige of hope for survival, as they are disconnected from Source energy. All we need to do is believe in who and what we are and the barriers begin to dissolve. Just like anything else, it takes intention, dedication, and belief in yourself.
The one thing we can count on is our true essence and the best thing we can do for ourselves is to BE that essence. Our physical bodies have an amazing ability to discern and learning to listen to the body’s clues and cues is important. When something doesn’t feel right, you have to go with your heart over what a supposed guide may be telling you. You can also do a “changing of the guard” revocation, demanding that any beings that are not in your highest and best good for the level you are at now leave your energy field. Continue to cut all cords that are tied to you that are not in your highest and best interest.
Michelle Walling