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Does Reiki Have An Occult Foundation?


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On the surface, Reiki seems harmless enough, and many will be offended by our suggestion that it can expose participants to psychic attack or occult oppression. But in many cases that is exactly what it does, and anyone involved with it needs to understand why. Reiki thrives on the innocence (and ignorance) of its clients. Most of them know little or nothing about its history or the spiritual dynamics by which it operates. All they want is healing and a feeling of well-being. As far as they are concerned, it either works or it doesn't, and if Reiki works, then what's the problem? The short answer is that, whether Reiki 'works' or not, it is dangerous. It is based on ancient occult principles that are designed to weaken the protective barrier etween humans and the fallen angels.

What is Reiki? Reiki is a system of spiritual healing that was developed by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist, in 1922. It later spread to the West and is now part of what New Age followers call 'energy healing' or 'energy medicine'. Many who come to Reiki for healing have already been indoctrinated into the belief that the universe is filled with a spiritual energy which, if correctly used, can heal the individual. Reiki claims to be able to direct this energy, via the hands of the practitioner, into the subject.

Despite its claim to originality, it is difficult to find a single element in Reiki that was not already known in Taoism and Buddhism. Usui did not find something new, but simply repackaged a few traditional occult ideas and gave them new names. This goes on all the time in occult and New Age circles.

The word Reiki, itself, is a combination of two Japanese words, rei meaning 'universal and spiritual' and ki meaning 'energy'. Thus the so-called Masters of Reiki claim to be able to tap directly into the alleged divine energy of the universe and direct it into the affected organs of an unwell person, even at a distance. This is meant to restore the 'natural balance' of the organs and bring healing. Several Reiki sessions may be required to do this.

The Cosmic Energy Hypothesis The entire New Age movement is based on a principle equivalent to ki, namely that the universe, including the fundamental constituents of matter, consists of a living, vibrational intelligence or energy. Only those who have been 'enlightened' truly understand the ki – which is known also as prana or shakti in India and chi (or qi) in China – and are able to direct it correctly. The purpose of the various 'initiations' or 'attunements' given by various esoteric and occult groups, along with their secret symbols and charged words or mantras, is to open the individual to this subtle cosmic force. Significantly, unknown to the general public, the adepts, gurus and masters of these esoteric groups almost invariably warn of the danger of 'opening' the individual too swiftly or with insufficient care, as otherwise serious problems could develop. Reiki, too, has its initiations or 'attunements', as well as symbols and charged words to control the ki. So, when a Reiki practitioner claims that Reiki is not religious, he or she is deceiving the public.

Before we discuss the Reiki initiations we would emphasize that the ki or divine energy of the universe does not exist. It is a false teaching based on pantheism (the doctrine that God is the universe) or panentheism (the doctrine that God in some way interpenetrates the universe). The Bible clearly teaches that God created the universe but that He himself is not part of His own creation. There is therefore nothing 'divine' in the universe and no universal divine energy. Most pagan religions and occult teachings would collapse if the doctrine of ki was found to be false. This 'force', literally The Force of the Star Wars movie franchise, is the pagan alternative to God, the kind of 'god' that fallen man wants, an impersonal universal benevolent energy that will respond to his 'creative imagination', a god who does not judge man but simply allows him to 'evolve' into higher states of consciousness over many lifetimes and eventually become a 'god' himself.

The Reiki Initiations There are three Reiki initiations in all. All three require the individual to connect with a supernatural entity or spirit guide. The first initiation is a series of four 'attunements', given by a qualified Reiki 'Master', namely someone who has already passed through the three levels of initiation. The Reiki Master has a principal guiding spirit known as his Dai-Ko-Myo, meaning 'Great Shining Light' or, in an esoteric sense, 'Phoenix who rises out of the ashes'. He summons this spirit by means of a secret symbol, the Master Symbol, which was given to him at his own initiation. A person would normally become a Reiki Master only after many years of study, having paid a large sum of money for the privilege. He does not conceive of this spirit as anything other than an agent of the ki itself.

A person would normally become a Reiki Master only after many years of study, having paid a large sum of money for the privilege. He does not conceive of this spirit as anything other than an agent of the ki itself. The Reiki Master also works with the spirit of Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-en, meaning 'From the Buddha in me to the Buddha in you.' Practitioners of yoga will recognize the similarity between this and the yogic 'blessing', amaste, meaning 'The divinity in me greets the divinity in you.'

This spirit, which is summoned by a separate symbol, is supposed to enable the practitioner to direct the ki over long distances and heal clients in remote locations. The procedure involves writing the symbol and calling the name of the spirit three times, along with the name of the person being 'healed', and then concentrating on the flow of ki through one's inner being. The Reiki Master works with two other spirits, a guiding spirit known as Sei-He-Ki, meaning "God and man become one", and Tjoko-Rei, meaning "God come here". Seemingly all four are invoked in some manner by the Reiki Master during the various initiation ceremonies and healing sessions.

The Reiki Founder Mikao Usui, who founded Reiki, was searching diligently for truth in his younger years. He had heard that certain spiritual paths offered a means of achieving a state of consciousness known in Japanese as Anshin Ritsumei or "absolute inner peace" (also called Satori). In this state one is said to enjoy complete and continuous inner peace no matter what is happening in one's outer life. Once it has been attained, it is claimed, the state is self-perpetuating and requires no further effort to sustain it. Like many before him, Usui began the practice of Zazen meditation under the tutelage of a Zen master. He kept up this practice for three years but without success. He grew increasingly impatient and decided to do whatever was necessary to attain Anshin Ritsumei. He was even willing to risk death and went to a mountain retreat to fast and meditate until he reached enlightenment. Given the location he chose he may also have stood for long periods under a waterfall to deepen his meditation and enter a more dissociated state. After a few weeks of this, he became so weak that he was at risk of dying. Then at midnight of 21 March, 1922, a powerful illumination exploded like a bolt of lightning through the top of his head and he lost consciousness.

The next day, even though he was still very weak, he felt an amazing vitality all through his mind and body. It was unlike anything he had never known. His awareness was now operating at a much higher level and he felt completely at one with the universe. He discovered shortly afterwards that he also had the ability to transmit healing energy through his hands. Usui spent the rest of his life perfecting a number of techniques that would enable others to tap into the same healing energy or ki and transmit it through their hands for the benefit of others. This became known in due course as his program of Reiki.

Understanding Usui's Experience What are we to make of his experience? It is extremely important that we answer this question correctly:

Explanation #1 Followers of the New Age will say that he experienced enlightenment, the state toward which all human beings are evolving, also known as Cosmic Consciousness, Moksha, Mukti, Satori, or Nirvana. Advanced practitioners of the occult, such as the Rosicrucians, grant the title of Illuminatus(Illuminated One) to someone who has achieved this state (This is the origin of the term 'Illuminati').

Explanation #2 Others would say that Usui underwent a purely psychological experience which enabled him to function more effectively as a human being. The 'experience' or shock was the impact he felt within himself as his various subtle intellectual faculties came together in a new, more mature way. In a sense he had advanced into a higher state of consciousness, a state which all humanity is destined to enter in the next stage of human development.

Explanation #3 From a Biblical standpoint, Usui opened himself spiritually, through fasting and meditation, to such a degree that the fallen angels were able to take possession of him. The 'light' he experienced was the same light that Lucifer infuses into the mystics and sages whom he then uses to enslave mankind. To the individual who receives this light it can seem utterly delectable, like a surge of divine energy. Thereafter he craves this inner light and wants to lead others to the same experience.

Satan's worldwide program of deception over the past half century or so has been so successful that most people today, including a great many professing Christians, will opt for Explanation #1 or #2. Very few are willing to accept that Explanation #3 is the only correct one. The strongest objection to #3 is that Satan would never give anyone an experience that was so satisfying or uplifting, or lead anyone from a state of intense frustration and loneliness into a state where they felt completely at one with the universe and filled with an energy, vitality and joy that simply overwhelmed them. But we should ask, Why not?

Jeremy James

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