Submitted by Glorious Bastard on
Without artistic ability, experience or inclination, this body of work began spontaneously on the morning of January 20, 2001 by George Allan
Originally, these drawings were not intended to be shared publicly and certainly not considered from an artistic perspective, as this was a personally journey for the artist and one that is not easily shared or explained.
To that end, the artist does not offer any explanation or opinion about the source or meaning of these drawings and leaves it to the viewer to make up their own mind.
This is also the reason the artist chose to use the name “Enigmatic Drawings” rather than his own name upon making the drawings publicly available.
Upon viewing the drawings, the reaction for most, is usually one of astonishment and intrigue but for some; it is a profound experience.
Without a frame of reference, it is difficult to find the words that could encapsulate what these drawings are or the experience they engender in the observer.
The wise adage; “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very apt in this instance and perhaps so much more.
The drawings are unprecedented, complex and thus far inexplicable and yet universally received.
The following excerpt from a related email serves as a practical and eloquent example of the consensus expressed about the drawings:
"One aspect I am sure of, this is no so much art as it is an expression of information in visual form, which carries more than language can express. The content is sophisticated and expresses knowledge beyond most known concepts."