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ET Communications


Image by Borkia from Pixabay

I have found in my personal contact encounters that communication with extraterrestrials can be challenging.  In my case, the two-fold issue stems from the beings I experience seemingly existing natively in a field of consciousness and only operating physical drone-bodies in the rare instances that they need to interact with me corporeally.  Unfortunately, both of these forms have their unique limitations to effective communication with the human mind.

The one important detail that both of their forms share is the exclusive use of telepathy rather than verbal or body language.  Apart from that though, these two forms couldn’t converse more differently.

In their natural environment of consciousness (during the times I am drawn out-of-body by them), the beings seemingly exist simultaneously in all of time and space and, thus, have difficulty editing messages down from an infinite perspective to my narrow human window of perception and understanding.  When they communicate with me in this form, they clearly strain to get as much though my filters as possible, knowing that I’m only catching fragments of their meaning.

And, while these beings appear to swim freely in an ocean of consciousness, their small gray drone bodies display a strange behavior when walking in the physical.  They seem to be mentally locked in the moment, curiously without a working awareness of the past or future.

Whenever I am lucid enough with them to ask them things like, “Where are we going?” they telepathically respond, “We’re going.”  “Why are you doing this?” gets a response of, “We’re doing this.”  I don’t think they’re being coy.  Honestly, I believe that’s what’s going through their heads, almost as if they’re entire thought process is locked in that precise second.  When condensed into physical form, they seem to paradoxically shift from eternal consciousness to one that is tightly time-locked. 

The grays appear to be essentially nothing more than puppets of their consciousness form.   Digging in deeper with this analogy, while a puppet master, unseen to the audience, knows the whole play, the puppet does only what it is controlled to do moment-to-moment and, if an audience member were to somehow ask the puppet a question, how could it reply?  It’s not really thinking for itself and so, even though it is performing, it really has no memory of what just happened and no idea what happens next.  It simply waits for the puppet master to animate it further.

Either way, communicating with these beings’ corporeal and non-corporeal forms both have their shortcomings.  Until their species and ours find better common ground in conversing with and understanding each other, we have our work cut out for us.

Bill Konkolesky

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