Submitted by Mr. Jones on

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There is a class of entities that are nonphysical and usually invisible unless you are clairvoyant or in an altered state of consciousness. I’m not sure if they are demons or ghosts, a mix of both, or something in between both. But they are quite common and since most people can’t see them, feel them, or do much thinking about them, these entities are barred from affecting most people in a direct way. However, sometimes a person is clairvoyant or did too many drugs or is susceptible to their games, and then these entities are allowed (by metaphysical law) to do more brazen acts.
This starts small, usually, some weird event, an anomaly, a sighting of some kind … maybe that’s all they are “allowed” — but if the person gets shaken up by this and it changes his viewpoints drastically, and the person begins obsessing and thinking and fearing it more and more, that person then kind of rolls out the red carpet these entities to invest that attention/energy into increasing the strength of their manifestation and power in that person’s life. So a feedback loop begins where weird events egg the person on, and the person manifests or increases the power of these forces through their continual focus and fear energy feeding them, and so back and forth it goes and yes it can spiral out of control.
The worse it gets, the more errant/wrong thoughts slip into the person’s head, by design, both through telepathic persuasion by these entities (such as the idea that “everyone around you is a hybrid with a crystal transmitter in their heads, they can hear your thoughts, they’re just pretending to not know”) and eventually you trust no one, lose your job, end up homeless or in a mental institution, and then your life is screwed. These entities get a kick out of ruining people like that.
Meanwhile, the guy next door lives his life peacefully like nothing is happening. Gotta wonder why. Well, it’s because he’s not susceptible to these games, or doesn’t have the clairvoyance needed to see these entities in the first place, or if someone near him has his thoughts spoken through their mouths, he brushes it off like nah I didn’t just hear that, and goes back to texting on his cellphone. Why is it that one person ignores it, and another person starts shaking and takes it so seriously that he eventually becomes a basket case? Well it has to do with our soul and psychological makeup, and these entities purposely seek out those who are responsive to such taunts and tricks.
Therefore, you have to change your soul and psychological makeup to no longer be as jumpy or easily provoked by this, and so in becoming unresponsive these things lose interest. The fact is, reality is somewhat malleable and our thoughts/beliefs play a partial role in shaping what happens to us. If you had instead believe that angels were at work and that heaven is winking at you from every corner and trying to drop miracles into your path, you would instead have become a lucky person with miracles happening everyday, just because you believed it. Of course demons and angels do exist, and some degree of belief or orientation toward them is needed to make the strongest connection possible that allows their acts to become more visible in one’s life, but the point is that our mindset/attitude/beliefs or where we direct the majority of our thoughts, meaning what our outlook is on life, this plays a role in how strongly these forces can manifest in our lives.
Therefore the good news is that you can change the channel if you want, call their bluff, not respond emotionally to their provocations, and direct your interests / pursuits / kicks towards other things. The thing you should avoid is feeling like a powerless victim. They want you to think that, because they don’t have much power themselves, but if you believe you are powerless then they can control you but really it’s you controlling yourself believing it’s them. Think of it like some punks at a zoo behind the thick glass, tormenting the apes on the other side — the kids can’t actually get in there, but imagine if they convinced one of the apes that they had superhuman powers to kill at a distance — they could cause hell for the ape, but all the ape really has to do is ignore them. The punks may pound on the glass some more but eventually they leave unsatisfied.
So this is about as accurate and concise of an advice I can give you regarding these entities; I’ve gotten a lot of emails from people who have the same problem, and luckily the above solution works so you can give it a try if you’d like.
Tom Montalk