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How To Contact Dragon Spirits


By Jenny Harker

Dragon spirits both big and small are fierce spirits, certainly, but their ferocity is tempered by their wisdom. Wisdom has taught the dragons not to instantly react with violence but to first think and consider their options, a quality many of we humans have yet to learn.

Dragons are in fact wise, kind, thinkers most of the time. They are very aware of their own power and strength. They demand respect and have to be treated with good manners or the dragons won't have anything to do with you.

You can contact the dragons and ask for their guidance and wisdom, but don't expect their instant agreement. You will be refused if the dragons believe you are not spiritually or energetically ready for their guidance and powerful energies. Remember dragons are not angels. They won't waste their time on someone who isn't ready.

To make first contact go out into a natural area where it is quiet and you're alone. Quiet your mind and center your energy. Then simply ask by saying something like, "I respectfully ask for guidance from the dragon spirits. I wish to learn your wisdom and use it to better my life and to help others."

Don't expect the sky to darken as the mighty beast swoops past the sun. This isn't a Hollywood film. If the dragons agree to work with you, and they will only if they believe you show promise and have been respectful toward them, they will then flood your energy field with their strong stormy energy. You may glimpse a dragon psychically or even with your physical eyes. You may not see the dragon but you may sense its enormous presence looming over you. You may feel the earth shake psychically or even physically. The experience of meeting your first dragon is different for each person as it depends on the strength of your intuitive skills and spiritual readiness.

Using crystals when making contact can help smooth the process. I have been told by Earos, the green dragon of Life Force, that the use of red amber and/or fire agate is appreciated. Try carrying these crystals on you. Creating a small grid out of these crystals when you are in the natural area is also a good idea. The grid doesn't have to be complicated. But it shows the dragons you are serious.

Sometimes the dragons will be the ones that make first contact if they wish to work with a specific person. This is how it happened for me. I was walking through a small wooded area when suddenly a huge emerald green dragon hovered in the air before me with its muscular body coiled. I saw the dragon psychically but its powerful presence filled the woods and seemed to silence the birds. I wasn't frightened as I sensed the dragon's vast calm intelligence and it wasn't my first otherworldly meeting. The dragons have been spiritual guides of mine ever since that fateful day and I am thankful for their wisdom.


After you have made contact, respectfully ask the dragon's name and what its purpose is. Is it the dragon of knowledge? Of abundance? Of birth? Explain that you wish to learn from the dragon's wisdom and wish to channel its healing energies in order that you may help others. Listen to the dragon's response. The dragon may immediately begin the energy attunement process or it may wait until it considers you ready. You have to be patient. Time, power, and sheer size are on the dragon's side.

Let's say you have been attuned to dragon energy. What can you expect now?

Dragon energy can be used to help heal emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical issues. The energy looks like thick colored light when seen with the mind's eye. Say you have a badly bruised muscle. You would use the combined forces of green and gold light energy at the same time followed by blue light energy to soothe. But what if you have, say, a past life issue in need of healing? Then you might use pink, yellow, and white light energies twined together followed by blue-gold energy to seal the place in your energy field where the issue was rooted. You might then follow up with protective black energy to prevent the issue from taking root again.

How would you know which colored energies to use, though? Well, once you are attuned to dragon energy you will know intuitively which energies to use for each issue while also receiving guidance from the dragons. First you confront the issue. You then ask the dragons for guidance and then listen intuitively. Suddenly you will simply know which light energies to use and will see the energies in your mind's eye.

The energies will flood strongly through your hands into the person being healed. Your job is to maintain a clear channel until the energies cease to flow through you. Dragon energy is not gentle Reiki. It will knock you on your ass if you're not ready for it.

You will be able to monitor the progress of the healing while the energies are being channeled through you. You will also be able to focus the energies on specific points you're guided to. All of this happens intuitively. Don't be surprised if you hear things like the rush of mighty wings through the air or feel the enormous presence of the dragons with you.

Once the healing is complete, and you will know by the energy subsiding, be sure to thank the dragons for their help and wish them well.

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