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How Much Of Gangstalking By Spiritual Entities Is Real Versus Just In My Head?


Image by Álvaro Calcedo from Pixabay

Based on everything I’ve experienced and seen, I am reasonably confident of the following points:

1. Negative forces do exist, and they can be “spirit guides,” demons, aliens, ghosts, our own thought-form creations, and various interdimensional entities. There are also humans in shadow military projects or organized crime who have access to high levels of technology.

2. These forces can influence humans, sometimes possessing them, or speaking through them.

3. Reality itself isn’t what the mainstream public thinks it is. Yes, it’s physical and has matter, energy, space, and time as physics knows about—but all of that is occurring within a multi-dimensional construct of consciousness, more like a metaphysical simulation than a real thing, more like a collective dream.

4. That means reality seems “normal” only when everything is working correctly, and it can just as easily become weird, improbable, synchronistic, glitchy, etc. when conditions are right.

5. Reality not being fully 100% real as the public believes, that also means it can be influenced through technology or through consciousness. For example, reality creation/manifesting is an example of our own consciousness influencing this collective “dream” we call reality. But non-human and high tech human forces can also influence it, sometimes in very anomalous ways.

6. We are engaged in a feedback loop with reality, in that our deepest beliefs and intentions influence what happens next in our lives and what happens, in turn, affects us emotionally and mentally in a way that tends to reinforce our deepest beliefs and intentions.

7. So no matter how it started, if you deeply believe and are emotionally invested in the idea that you’re being gang-stalked, that will influence reality into creating more events that seem to confirm it. In other words, it will make it worse and worse and worse. But not that it’s all in your head—it’s actually happening, just that the reason it’s happening is partially due to your deep subconscious investment in that type of phenomenon.

8. Negative forces (who do exist independently, unless they are your own mental/emotional projections) can take advantage of your reality feedback loop. For example, they can start the whole process by using their own methods to create weirdness in your life, look through people’s eyes, speak through them, appear to you visually in a way that scares you to death, and so on. This is bait on a hook, cast into the waters of your reality to reel you in. The fear that event induces can get you to obsess even more about all of that, which causes your consciousness to influence “reality” into bringing more of that experience into your life, which allows these forces into your life even more. So as you can see, they harness that feedback loop and feed off your energy through it.

9. Once you become known to these entities as someone who is fun/interesting to torture and play with, they seem to make a project or game of it. And they keep trying harder and harder to turn your life into a living nightmare, so long as you accept it, believe it, feel you’re powerless against it, and continue responding in the way they want you to respond (with fear, obsession, preoccupation, etc.).

10. So by turning your back on it, treating it with humor or indifference, blotting it out of your reality through intentional denial, you end up de-energizing the feedback loop, weakening them, making them bored, making them leave for the most part. They retreat, and your life returns to 90% normal.

Much of this is a mind game. A bluff. A form of psychological warfare. That means you have the power to transform what you believe and how you feel about it all. If you can shift into an invulnerable, humorous, sovereign, or “done worrying, I have better things to do in my life” type attitude, you get out of the victim mode that they need you to be in, in order to screw with you.

Now the proof that this is generally true, and that it’s not all just physical gang-stalkers coordinating via radio or internet to play games on you, is that it’s everywhere that you are. It surrounds you. No matter where you travel, no matter where you go. Logistically, that is impossible for a regular gangstalking network to pull off. But it’s not impossible if there are higher negative forces targeting you and working through people and manipulating your environment itself. And it’s not impossible if what you are carrying around in your consciousness energetically resonates and attracts these things.

This is a secret that not many know, but those who do, and who apply it, are able to restore their life to 90% normality.

There’s still a 10% remnant because negative forces do exist, just that you’ve taken away 90% of what they depended on to stage this crazy puppet show for you in your life/reality. You cut the strings, but the puppet master is still in the shadow looking occasionally for a chance to return, which all depends on your vibes/mindset and what darkness/fear you allow yourself to slip back into.

The number one problem is that some people who are told this, they refuse to hear or listen. They seem to be caught in a trance of paranoia and prefer believing whatever fantasy the manipulation has tricked them into believing. And their nightmarish fantasy therefore continues to sustain their nightmarish reality.

Okay, so the proper attitude to take is one of empowerment, strategy, and seeing these forces as less powerful than they try to make themselves seem.

Tom Montalk -

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