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The Left Door


Image by Lisa McCarty from Pixabay

In her book Phenomenon, psychic author Sylvia Browne presented the premise of The Left Door. The Left Door according to Browne is part of the Dark Side where those who have turned away from God are in residence. A departed person destined for the Dark Side in her premise does not experience going through a tunnel and finding a bright light but rather goes right through this Left Door in the Dark Side.

The only thing behind the Left Door according to Browne is a dark Godless area that is a whole lot of nothing or "nothingness'. Further, a departed spirit has a very shot residence behind this door and often passes straight through and into the womb of some hapless female in order to born again and reek more evil damage in the world. This spirit when reincarnated is supposedly beyond any rehabilitation that the world might offer but rather continues in this negative cycle. All is not totally lost in this scenario for at some point in time, the angels catch them in transit and bring them back to God where they can reunite with the 'sanctity' of their soul.

Not sure I agree with all of this but I do respect other's rights to what they want to believe. I don't consider myself as having any particular psychic ability to hone into such an area so I got curious and looked around the net to see what I could find relating to this Left Door of Sylvia Browne. There are tons of metaphorical references to Doors of Death but I kept my searching restricted to this particular premise.





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