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Magic And Mind Control In The Modern World



Image by Daniel from Pixabay

Television and the Perils of Accepting Gifts from Black Magicians

In practical black magic, we place an object of influence in the home of our enemy. Sometimes it is placed covertly or it is given to the person as a gift. Once this object is inside the person’s home, we project energy (waves, much like a broadcast signal) into this object, thus creating an influence on the person and everyone in their home. Never accept a gift from a black magician because they may use it to influence you.

Remember the government “gift” of those high definition television broadcast boxes a few years ago? They wanted Americans to have access to television broadcasts badly enough to give two vouchers to every citizen! These boxes broadcast very vivid images using a different frequency bandwidth than the old analog did. Furthermore, the box itself emanates dangerously high levels of electromagnetic frequencies that cause physical weakness, which you can feel if you are sensitive to such things. (It feels like a strong field of static electricity and it can be headache-inducing to some people.)

Television and PsyOps

Practical Black Magic: How to Hex and Curse Your Enemies by Sophia diGregorio

While broadcasts can be used to psychologically weaken targets in other ways (for example, the relay of false information to an enemy to cause them to take certain actions according to the black magician’s will), they can, also, be used to induce emotionally traumatized states and deepen the suggestibility level further. (In hypnosis, this is simply called “deepening.”) It is done on a mass scale by means of these traumatic events being broadcast (ie. Sandy Hook “Massacre,” 9/11 and other “breaking news”), repeatedly over the television sets to highly emotional and receptive targets who are already in a lower-brainwave state and, therefore, highly suggestible.

The television, by means of its flicker rate, causes hypnotic induction to occur in a matter of a few minutes. Then, because of its ability to broadcast very realistic images combined with this brain wave-lowering flicker rate, is the perfect medium for broadcasting telepathic suggestions to the subconscious mind’s of millions of people at a time. The subconscious mind has no power of reasoning or analysis and willingly accepts whatever suggestions, images or other ideas it is given without question.

The use of trauma to induce compliance in PsyOps is an other reason for mass casualty events being broadcast in a highly emotional way on the television. The black magicians on the television will “suggest” to the viewers what to feel and think. Once the trauma has sufficiently taken hold, the magician assumes the target is now “soft” for these further telepathic suggestions. The black magician (anchor or television journalist, in this case) will say, “There is fear all across America,” “Americans are shocked!” “Americans are in grief over this event,” “Americans demand tougher security measures,” “Americans are demanding more gun control,” etc. This is the second layering of a black magic spell by means of telepathic suggestion. The people under hypnotic induction receive these images at a subconscious level and accept them as their own.

If you don’t watch television or keep abreast of popular culture, you may have noticed that people who do are difficult to have a discussion with about real world events because their minds have been heavily programmed by the sounds and images they have received in a semi-conscious, highly suggestible state. The television has been broadcasting an unreal version of life, especially Americans life, to American and people around the world for decades. The people subjected to it are literally under a spell and seem to live as if they are in a different version of reality because of the images and messages that have been broadcast to their subconscious minds while in a highly suggestible state.

How to Break the Spell

Anytime you suspect you are under the influence of black magic, the first thing to do is to get rid of the object of influence in your home, by means of which the black magician is transmitting his or her influence. In the case of mass media PsyOps, this is your television and to a lesser extent other forms of mainstream media communications like certain radio broadcasts and newspapers.

The television itself is not an object of witchcraft, but the signals that are being transmitted into your home by means of it are. So, you don’t have to give away or destroy your television to destroy this influence, simply cut the broadcast – cancel your subscription or get rid of your “box.”

The next step to break the spell is through knowledge or “illumination.” Learn more about the methods used by black magicians in the media.

Witchcraft and the knowledge of the esoteric science of witchcraft is power. It is neither good nor evil anymore than the electricity coming into your house is good or evil. The good or evil comes from the way it is used by the witch. So, don’t be afraid of learning more about the occult and try to get your information from occult sources and not outsiders.

There are many books on the the subject of occultists with nefarious intentions within government authored by people who see all occult knowledge and illumination as evil. These people are either wittingly or unwittingly aiding and abetting the media and government black magicians by means of their disinformation. So, when you do your research (on any subject), always try to go to the most original sources of information you can find so you can better understand what these people are actually doing.

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