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Sasquatch Contactee Delivers Message To Humanity


by Michelle Walling, CHLC

The Sasquatch people are a high vibrational level of human that have the ability  to appear into a third dimensional body  as well as disappearing into the next vibration out of our sight. It is obvious from their elusiveness that they are psychic  and know when they need to move into another dimension  to avoid capture. Sasquatch are actually benevolent beings that have a message for humanity in order to help us move into another consciousness at this time.

The connection with my sister and her fascination with Sasquatch

My sister has been labeled mentally disabled by the medical program of our world, but I know she is here on a higher purpose . Ever since she was ejected in a car wreck and sustained a head injuryon July 4 of 2013, she has had the ability to see  what appear to her as angels  around her, and they let her know that they are her protectors. I have asked her if they speak to her and she said yes, but the only thing they say is that she will be alright and that they are there for her and love  her.

Over the holidays, my sister recently told me about her new found interest in the Sasquatch. When I described how they keep from getting caught by vanishing into another dimension she was fascinated.

My sister doesn’t speak much about these things, so when she does, I pay attention to the topics she is interested in because she really does exist on a higher level than most people. Most people would never know it because of her mental and physical  handicaps. I had a feeling that the Sasquatch had a message for humanity, and I did some more research in order to share that message at this time. It is interesting that she called them “Sasquatch” instead of the other common names that we have heard.

The Abominable Snowman or Bigfoot

Many people have either heard or seen what looks like the “Abominable Snowman” or “Bigfoot” in the woods of the world. Most sightings have been reported in the Pacific Northwest and in places like East  Texas, but in reality they exist all over the world. They usually come out at night and are elusive to humanity because they do not want to be captured or shot. They have made their presence known to many people and have the ability to communicate telepathically to those who are able to receive their messages. People who think about the Sasquatch and who are driven to study about them are usually receiving these thoughts from them as they make first contact with humanity.

Many different tribes of Native Americans have accepted Sasquatch into their lives and have different names for them. The most prevalent Sasquatch are many feet taller than us (some as tall as 19 feet) and are like big hairy giants. Some have conical heads and have a slight hump on their back, and they look like they do not have a neck. They are highly evolved humanoids that are more advanced in than we are. However, there are actually several different races of Sasquatch on the planet.

In this interview, Nancy Wallace interviews Kewaunee Lapseritis about his experience with the Sasquatch:

Kewaunee said that he has had contact with the Sasquatch as well as other extraterrestials. In his communication he has found out that Sasquatch were brought here by the “star people’ before this model of humans was here on the planet. Kewaunee describes the difficulty he had in believing any of this until his actual contact occurred.

Kewaunee suffered from a ruptured disc in his back which causes pinched nerves and pain throughout his back and legs. When the Sasquatch found out about this, they gave some herbal recommendation for Kewaunee to take to heal. They live in a physical body and survive in the woods, and even have excrement from the things they eat.

The Sasquatch are very tuned in to what is  happening on the Earth  at this time. They tell us that the planet is dying because of the way that we have treated it with our waste and extractions. They have a similar message to Kewaunee that my sister gets often from her angels. “Just know that we are watching over you and protecting you, and we love you very much”.

Nancy reads some excerpts from the book in the video which describe more messages that Kewaunee received. They say that we are about to enter a New Earth  that our God has re-created for us. They tell Kewaunee that his memory of how he got here at this time has been erased, but that he can find the knowledge inside of himself. This knowledge should be used not for gain; only for good. They also say that our world is not the same as their world, time is not the same as our time, and space is not the same and their space, but that there are corridors between that open and shut, They saw that there is no “I” or “me”; that we are all ONE and each one is a part of the whole. What one does, all do.

Until we learn that we are killing the planet, we may have some hard lessons on the planet. It seems like the Sasquatch are here to give us a pre-warning to pull our heads out of the sand and make a difference before it is too late. They follow Kewaunee wherever he goes to make sure that he shares their messages with humanity and that he is safe while doing so.

You can also find out more about the Sasquatch and find Kewuanee’s books, including The Sasquatch People at his website:

About the author: Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach and Radio Host on The Cosmic Awakening Show. She has devoted her life to being a bearer and grounder of the light in service to others. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. She is also a hands-on healer, a distance healer, an empath, and an intuitive. Michelle has recently joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, as a contributing author for Michelle also supports Gregg’s endeavors in many other areas including alternative and holistic healthcare. Their next project is a walk in clinic under the name AHH- Alternative Holistic Healthcare to be launched in the Sarasota, Florida area, and then subsidiaries will be opened around the world based upon that model. Michelle Walling’s cosmic writing website is Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked on the websit

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