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Snake symbolism can mean many different things. These differences are especially true when you take into account that it is indigenous to most parts of the world. You can find its mythology in many different cultures. Therefore, in some places, the snake meaning can be entirely different than that of its neighbors. We have touched on several different species with their local interpretations. On this page, the snake totem is divided into categories of common, constrictors and venomous. Traditionally, snake dream interpretation is varied, so you will have to take into account other aspects of the dream. It also explores the colors and actions of this intriguing creature.
Snake Meaning, and Messages
In this case, snake symbolism is letting you know that transformation is now in progress. In other words, you will be shedding old skin and emotions, and transforming them into something bigger and better. Thus, similar to the growth and transformation of the angelfish, snake meaning is letting you know that change is in the wind. It also reminds you that you are at the center of it all as the catalyst. Therefore, to smoothen the process, make sure that your intentions are clear. You must also have clear a clear sense of the direction that you wish to strike out. Moreover, the snake meaning is letting you know that these changes are safe. There is no need to fear them.
In some cases, snake symbolism is also reminding you to stay connected to yourself. There is information that you require in the observation of both the tiny vibrations in the earth and the warmth and smells of the air and sky. Furthermore. When we learn to connect with our surroundings, we can continue on the path of growth. Thus we can discard the trappings of the past.
Adder Snake Meaning
When the Adder shows up in your life, it is a reminder that you need to be responsible and benevolent when exercising your power. In other words, if you want to earn the respect of others, you must respond to all matters from your heart, even when setting boundaries.
Anaconda Snake Symbolism
In general, when this type of serpent shows up, it is a reminder that you cannot control everything. In other words, you need to let go of the outcome you are seeking and allow it to unfold on its own.
When the Asp makes an appearance in your life, you are being asked to be wary of the seeds that you sow. Thus, choose your opportunities and words wisely because they may come back to bite you.
Boa Constrictor
If the Boa Constrictor has come into your life, it is letting you know that when you hold onto those you love too tightly, you may suffocate any progress they will make in their life. In other words, like the Bobtail (Old English Sheepdog), be protective, but allow them to make their own mistakes.
In this case, the snake symbolism is letting you know that you need to stay alert and ready to strike at unexpected opportunities. When we take advantage of these opportunities, it may seem foolishly impulsive to others. You will be successful if you move swiftly.
Alternatively, this serpent could be letting you know that you are allowing your fears and doubts to get in the way of your success. In other words, you must break free of this hypnotic state so that you can take action where necessary.
When the Copperhead shows up, it means that you need to focus on doing some internal healing. Only then will you be able to move forward with your plans. In some cases, this serpent can also insist that you need to stand your ground. In other words, trust your feelings and intuition and insist on what you know is right.
Corn Snake Symbolism
In general, like the Mountain Goats, Corn Snake meaning indicates that the way is now clear for us to climb to new heights. Furthermore, there will also be plenty of opportunities for you to accomplish this. Thus your current projects will gain traction, and you will be able to move a lot easier.
This particular snake meaning heralds the beginning of a new birth within yourself. For this to happen, you will have to transform and heal some old wounds and face some dark terrors. However, once you have accomplished this, you will enter a new and brighter stage in your life.
Alternatively, you will soon have an opportunity to travel into strange lands and try something new and foreign to you.
Garter Snake Symbolism
When this type of snake meaning shows up, it is an indication that you are now entering a highly creative period in your life. Thus you should be initiating and acting on as many ideas as possible. Do this even if it seems that these actions are premature. The percentages are with you at this time.
For the most part, Milk Snake meaning symbolizes an immunity to the poisonous words directed at you by others. In other words, you have learned to ignore these remarks and become less sensitive to them. Thus these types of attacks are now futile and are merely slightly distracting. They will cause no permanent damage.
This type of snake symbolism is a reminder that you are already powerful. However, you need to nurture your power until the appropriate time. In the meantime, you will be able to handle anything that comes your way.
Alternatively, the python snake symbolism is putting you on notice that you need to have regular times in which you shed your old skin. Also, when you do this, you must also take the time to rest, heal, and reflect on the transformations so that you can process them completely.
Rat Snake Symbolism
This type of snake meaning is letting you know that you are now entering a period of accelerated growth towards your goals. In other words, progress is assured right now as long as we are assertive with our efforts in attaining our goals. Everything is now within reach.
Alternatively, this serpent is warning you not to trust what you see at the moment. However, you can believe what feels and smells right to you.
In this case, the snake meaning is a reminder that you need to be alert to the warnings of others. Thus you should be respectful of their boundaries, and be gentle and courteous towards them as they muddle through. Rattlesnake also reminds us that we should warn others before we strike.
Alternatively, the snake meaning can indicate that there will be an increase in the activities of spirits in our lives. You will be able to sense their presence clearly and much more frequently at this time. Thus, you will also be able to detect energy and see auras. Now is a time when you must trust what you feel and sense, no matter how strange it seems.
When the Viper comes into your life, it is a warning that there is someone in your inner circle of friends and family that you cannot trust. In other words, with this type of snake symbolism, watch for signs of hypocrisy, slander, and maliciousness. Once you spot them, give them a wide berth and refuse to engage in their nasty little games.
Snake Totem (Common), Spirit Animal
People with the snake totem are often finding that they are, like the beetle totem, going through constant changes in their lives. Luckily, they usually move through smoothly. They also have a natural ability to balance energy. Often people with this spirit animal are gifted healers.
Folks with the snake totem are very charming in social situations. They are also very good at holding other people’s attention. In other words, there is something mysterious about your gaze, your intensity, and your ability to sense what other’s are thinking or feeling. Along with this charm, there is also confidence and self-assurance that many people find alluring. People with this power animal can slither in and out of the conversation with ease and grace. Moreover, they are flexible and open-minded.
Constrictor Snake Totem (all types)
People with the constrictor type snake totem are powerful and intimidating. However, they do have a gentleness about them that is not readily apparent. They are also quick to take action in pursuit of their goals. Folks with the constrictor snake totem are focused, rely on their instincts, and can sense the other worlds. However, they occasionally tend to bite off more than they can chew, but somehow always seem to land on their feet. People with the constrictor snake totem must be careful that they are not overprotective of their friends and loved ones. The last thing you want to do is smother them.
Poisonous Snake Totem (all types)
People with a venomous snake totem, like the skunk totem, are magnetically charismatic. They communicate very well and will warn others before they strike. Folks with this type of spirit animal move swiftly through transformations. They will also stand their ground when a situation gets difficult. However, they do know when it is appropriate to retreat.
Folks with this snake totem heal from past traumas swiftly and efficiently. They also spend time detoxifying themselves from external forces that cling to their energetic bodies.
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