Submitted by Phantom on
Spirit Mimics: other-dimensional beings that often pose as ordinary men and women in order to accomplish goals that seem beyond our present human perspective to comprehend. In appearance, these beings seem to be about 97% just like us, but there is always that 3% or so that betrays them. Perhaps it is something in their manner of speaking or their choice of wearing apparel that just doesn’t seem quite right.
Many of these accounts reported strange encounters with entities that masqueraded as humans in ordinary situations presented in everyday society, but something seemed false, off-key, and strangely haunting. Some of our correspondents described their encounter playing out as if they were seeing a ghost in broad daylight walking the streets of their city or as if they found themselves interacting with a manikin that had escaped from the display window of a department store. Most disturbing were those individuals who found themselves temporarily deceived by entities impersonating their family members.
In his Adventures with Phantoms (London, Quality Press, 1946), it seems as though British author Thurston Hopkins was also onto the Spirit Mimics. He said that he had come to recognize a kind of entity that appears to occupy a spiritual no-man’s land, and he described them in this way:
They are creatures who have strayed from some unknown region. They dress like us; pretend they belong to mankind and profess to keep our laws and code of morals. But in their presence we are always aware that they are phantoms and that all their ideas and actions are out of key with the general pitch and tone of normal life.
We have said many times that we are puzzled by the Spirit Mimics true agenda. Perhaps they are among the dark entities of ancient times, who seek to enslave the souls of humankind. If this is true, their numbers and their ventures into our world are happening more often and becoming more common. Indeed, it often seems of late that their program of dominating and controlling humankind might have been accelerated according to some larger cosmic plan to which our species is not privy.
One of our European correspondents who has keenly developed psychic abilities and is usually able to read people with remarkable accuracy, wrote recently to share this encounter with Spirit Mimics that she believed were beings from another world:
I was eating at a restaurant with my husband and daughter. I noticed a weird vibration emanating from this couple right next to us. When my husband left to get our drinks, I looked over at the couple and made direct eye contact with each of them.
They were both:
1. Very tall and thin and perfect looking. My rational mind thought they must be professional models.
2. They had high-cheekbones, very elongated. Very blue eyes. No flaws on their faces.
3. They were very well-dressed. His hair was perfect in that modern short, blunt cut; hers, that short stylish bob. She had red hair, blue eyes. He had reddish/brown hair, blue eyes. He wore very stylish jeans and a nice crisp shirt/jacket. She had a stylish sweater, slacks, and boots. Usually these beings are not well-dressed.
4. They exuded a sense of eerie specialness, separateness, entitlement. No warm fuzzy feelings toward us or our daughter.
What really struck me when I made eye contact was that I could not read them. They blocked me. I think they knew that I sensed they were very human-looking ETs. I love to people-watch and often people watch my daughter. She is very cute, so I make a lot of eye contact and sense people's goodness and humanity. These beings looked human, but I did not sense human, but other. They did eat, very small amounts of soup, yogurt maybe a tea.
After we made initial eye contact, I think I spooked them. They rose up at the same time and walked off in opposite directions.
I saw he had no keys in his hands, she had no purse. They didn't even say good-bye to one another or hug or do the chit-chat good-bye that normal people might do. I have seen these ETs or some like them so many times over the years, but this was the first time I was not really afraid but very curious.
Brad and Sherry Steiger -