Submitted by Shar on
Like a trapped fish in a transparent bowl, it keeps lashing against the clear glass no matter how beautiful the new place is….in spite of the bright stones and the adoring people around however it’s her home she longs to be. Though everything is perfect, all she sees is smiles all around her but she loses her smiles with every passing day and a little bit of her soul falls apart every time she feels her world being confined in this fake reality. Just like the beautiful gold fish in her pretty crystal bowl we are trapped within ourselves, entangled with dreams and expectations. The dichotomy of very life isn’t that difficult to see. We smile to disguise the pain; we share just to hide some gain….and walk away when we should have stayed.
Even in our happiest moments we are haunted with fear of losing it, and try our best to ignore the sadness that hangs over us like the dark clouds ready to thunder and fall any minute. Till a time when you ask, how far can I run from myself? You desperately pray for something to believe in when everything seems to fade into nothing. When doubt creeps right under your skin ….and crawls all over what’s left of you. The more you struggle to get out the more it grips you. Then you hear yourself say “this isn’t what I bargained for ….my life can’t be like this!”
There’s always a freeway amid all the enclosed roads and it takes only a single moment to make that turn. A tiny ray of light can brighten up a dark dungeon and just a smile to lighten a dark mood. It takes only a word to forgive and a touch to accept. Maybe this is exactly where you were meant to be. And if you have made it this far it won’t be long when you reach your destination… they say “the best is yet to come”. So how odd would the odds be when even the greatest musical virtuoso, Beethoven himself was deaf, ironical? Life always is.
by 1abc 2ab
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