Submitted by Lux Bellator on
As I go about my everyday business in the world I live in several questions arise continually. The first one is: Is this really where I live? And then the rest come tumbling in …
- Why does the world continue to operate the way it does through conflict and exploitation?
- Furthermore why is this the ideological norm even though vast populations of fundamentally good-hearted people are adamant that they want things to change?
- How is it that when these good-hearted people vote for what they believe will bring about the changes they want to see, their elections prove ineffective in producing the results they hope for?
- Is there an engine that perpetuates this state of affairs?
- And if there is, what is its ultimate purpose and how is it fuelled?
I don’t believe for one moment that I’m the only one asking these questions, and I’m sure you can think of a few more. However, the only rational answers available seem to perpetuate the status quo. And if that’s the case, the only sensible conclusion to be drawn is that the answers to the questions I’m asking must be irrational. By definition, any such answers or conclusions are thus invalidated by the [rational] reality that throws up the questions.
So, what if we go a bit deeper and ask the question Who benefits from all the conflict, exploitation and misery?
“Follow the money …”- spoken by the character Deep Throat in the movie All The President's Men
Then even more irrational answers arise, some of which can be quite disconcerting if you try to adhere to the conventional concepts of reality you’re used to. Those concepts are almost certainly flawed, and there are plenty of subversive theories and disenchanted social critics around to give you explanations. Most of these are a rant about the existence of some nefarious illuminati elite.
Conspiracy theories abound. But to lay all of the troubles of humanity at the feet of a few super-rich elite families is a bit too simplistic – and convenient. Furthermore it’s divisive and provides an enemy for you to focus your resentments on. It encourages you to concentrate attention outside yourself onto an external situation you’re in no position to change in a material way. It’s a waste of energy.
That’s not to say that the theories are worthless, but if that was all there is to it populist revolutions would have solved the problems long ago. And in any case, it’s quite clear that many people “at the top” are no happier than those at the bottom. So if we can’t see who’s really benefitting from all the conflict and suffering, where do we go from there?
Maybe we have to continue to be irrational and consider that the ultimate beneficiaries of perpetual human misery are invisible to us, existing in a realm that interacts with ours but which we are unable to perceive with our routine levels of awareness. This concept is beyond the capacity of much of humanity to countenance. It draws condemnation, ridicule, denial, humiliation, shame and anger ~ small wonder that no-one wants to go there. But it’s because of such a strong taboo that it shouldn’t be ignored.
Theoretical physics tells us that you and I are mostly empty space. There’s enough space in what we consider to be solid reality for an infinite number of parallel realities to exist alongside each other. It’s not unreasonable to consider that these realities might shade into each other, rather like the colours of the rainbow whilst being distinguishable by convention actually shade into each other seamlessly. This brings us to the place that no-one wants to admit to believing: is it possible that other beings might exist in other [extra-dimensional] realities?
There are plenty of unexplained phenomena to support this kind of concept. We even have language that admits it with terms like paranormal, supernatural, metaphysical … mystical … Of course, these qualities are all marginalised by declaring them to be lacking scientific veracity.
Trans-dimensional beings and multi-dimensional realities have been spoken and written about throughout the ages, although they may have been given other labels. They are not comfortable ideas to live with. They’re outlawed by a mainstream rationality that overlooks what has been known in certain scientific circles for almost a century: that reality as we accept it is subjective.
What this means is that whatever constitutes mainstream reality, the conventions you’ve learned to abide by to define your world to yourself, is actually inadequate.
No-one is to blame for this. So you have to get over the idea that someone else is responsible. You are not a victim unless you choose to be. Most people don’t realise they have a choice. Knowing that you do is a major step towards self-empowerment.
The innate survival instincts of the human organism automatically attune to the environment it finds itself in, in ways that seek to ensure survival. Without knowing or understanding, you learn what everyone does here to get by, and do the same. Everyone in your world is teaching you by their example. You subliminally absorb the information you need, to create the programming that has to run in order for you to fit in and stay safe.
Anyone who has worked with me, personally or in workshops, knows that we need to venture beyond the conventional concepts of reality to access the deeper truths of our existence – and to connect with the essence of being that inhabits us. This kind of existential investigation has been vilified historically as witchcraft, sorcery, magick, heresy … and insanity.
There are numerous horrific experiences of persecution held in our cultural and ancestral memories that infuse the mere idea of self-exploration with abject terror. This terror disconnects you from, and feeds, on the flow of your essential energy as if it were the impossible – a separate living entity. It drains and depresses parasitically. It takes courage to face this level of fear and move through it into freedom.
When you give the impossible permission to exist within you and around you, however, even though it makes no rational sense, it can be dealt with. The undermining influences can be cleared along with the irrational reactions of fear and anger. You can then re-configure and re-integrate those energies (if they are yours) to support your evolution. If they are not yours they can be released in an appropriate manner. This is magical.
“All truth passes through three stages:
First, it is ridiculed;
Second, it is violently opposed;
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
~ Arthur Schopenhauer
Altazar Rossiter PhD