Submitted by Guitar Boss Goat on
Image by Benjamin.Dermer from
Are you an asshole?
- To be an asshole is a moral deficit.
- Aside from being male, researchers found that assholes are thought of as self-centered, aggressive, and manipulative.
- Existentialist philosophy says that we are not simply the product of our past. We each have the power to stop being an asshole.*
Assholery is a character flaw and it concerns the entire nature of a person. When you think about it, really think about it, Assholes actually run the world. And most of them have what in common? Narcissism.
A narcissist Asshole basically thinks all people are shitty which might be acceptable if they did not care what other people think but you see, the assholery part of them DOES CARE what other people think. They don’t want other people to think they are wrong or less than. They want to be admired and placed on a pedestal for all to worship. And feelings? Do they care about feelings? Well, they certainly care about their own feelings which almost always leads to self- righteous behaviors. They don’t even realize this because they haven’t stopped to think about it. If they allow their life to be dictated by feelings, then they’re going to be stuck in a shithole forever. But they don’t realize that either. They are willing to upset other people as long as they feel good about themselves. And there are rules for this:
1. Get good at feeling bad when unsure. This gives an excellent excuse to assert one’s position regardless the cost. Remember, if you get good at feeling bad then you’ll become very adept at making others feel bad when necessary. It’s all about that goal of pushing your thoughts, ideas and conclusions down others’ throats.
2. Delude oneself into thinking one is altruistic – the Universal Progressive Citizen who wants only the best but mostly for oneself. After all think of the admiration it could bring.
3. Be an overbearing bully but don’t forget to whine and complain even strike out at those who have been deemed offensive. You don’t have to listen to anyone’s opinion because only you know the truth and they just need to listen.
4. Don’t care about any friends, colleagues, co-workers or family who end up disavowing you or disowning you. You have all you need according to “me, myself and I.”
5. Make up any rule as you go along that suits you and your agenda. Lie, twist information, paint any picture you want as it’s bound to convince others sooner or later.
6. (Aka 666) - Most importantly – NEVER ask yourself if this is the kind of life you want to live or if you might seriously need some psychiatric help. That would blow the whole ballgame.