Submitted by Crow on
Anyone who follows a religion should be respected for that. As part of a society that allows the right to freedom of expression anyone is indeed entitled to have and express their religious beliefs. However, it has been said by some that religions are nothing more than mass mind control programmes, that there's is a far bigger picture involved that most people can't see, which I will explain...
-Bearing this in mind here are 7 things, a list of flaws, inconsistencies and criticisms... to challenge the authenticity of religion.
1. Religion explains everything
Each religion has all the answers and claims to explain everything, but with so little evidence religion has to be based on faith rather than hard facts, documentary evidence... i.e. the truth. This is why there are so many conflicting views.
2. Each religion always thinks its right
Following on from 1, no matter if it's a major religion or some small supported off beat cult the followers always think that theirs is the one that's right in spite of the conflicting views. Hence the reason why religious debate stirs so many knee-jerk reflex responses based on emotion and programming rather than fact.
3. Religion makes people small
Religion wants you to follow the white line made by the teachings and texts... In others words just accept what the religion has to say without any real questioning or critical thought... In for example Christianity you're told that you're born a sinner and have to spend your time bowing down to a judgemental, angry and jealous God...
4. Religion can mean control by fear
Over the known history of humankind religion has had quite an effect of instilling fear. Fear of being punished and going to Hell is one of the earliest indoctrinations which indeed normally start in early childhood.
5. Based on fear not love
Following on from 4, control by respect as oppose to control by fear is fine. But religion tries to give the effect that it's based on love when it isn't. It's based on fear.
6. Breeds dogma
The dogma can indeed give rise to being deeply stuck-in-one's ways; thoughts, attitudes and opinions, emotions or identity, leading to fundamentalism. This therefore makes religion one of the most dangerous threats to mankind. Religious fundamentalism has caused so many wars and conflicts. Certain individuals in high places have secretly stirred religious fundamentalism to manipulate the fundamentalists into war for power, profit and political gain...
7. Religion versus spirituality
It has been said that religion uses spirituality as an excuse. It is a controlling system created by those in high places for power, profit and political gain. It's used to manipulate the masses into passivity...
-Spirituality should be what religion is about but in conclusion from the above, it's not.
Therefore, do we really need religion?
By Paul A. Phillips