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Many physicists have now doubts and no longer believe such things as the Big Bang theory. There are many philosophers, physicist and cosmologists that are unsatisfied with the Big Bang along with the new string theory and they are unconvinced of the multiversity.
The concept or theory of “time” is a difficult one, and the world of quantum physics is even expanding into new ideas. There is no shortage of observed phenomena which defy our understanding of logic, and when add to it human thoughts, feelings of emotions and consciousness itself results in viewing the universe as a physical but conscious universe.
Incorrect Concept:
Here is an incorrect thought idea that has confused many people and scientist. If I go back in time to meet my grandfather long before my father was born and we had an argument and fight and I killed my grandfather, then I would have never been born in the future, and if I never have been born, then I could I have gone back in time to meet my grandfather. This concept is just as ridicules as the chicken and egg paradox, what came first the chicken or the egg? These are ridicules concepts with no logical reasoning to them and a waste of time trying to think about them. In matters of the chicken and the egg, it’s the chicken that came first, created by God in a ready mature state with the ability to lay eggs. In matter of me going back in time to meet my grandfather can not happen because time does not hold within itself any moment of event, for it is without shape of form, does not occupy space and does not record history or events within our three dominions.
Thought Experiment #1
Optical Illusion:
When you turn a bicycle upside down and mount a red reflector to the back wheel facing you; then you start turning the wheel; and as it moves clockwise you see the reflector spinning. As the wheel turns faster the reflector seems to have stopped, and as it turns even faster it looks like it’s moving counter clockwise in the opposite direction. Common sense tells us that the reflector is still moving clockwise and that we are observing an optical illusion and nothing more. This is what I mention earlier of a bad perception that bring false results and illusions.
Paradox defined:
1. This is a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. 2. a self-contradictory and false proposition. 3. Any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature. 4. An opinion or statement contrary to commonly accepted opinion (By
Thought Concept #2
The Twin Paradox: A Story
There was born two brothers, twins, named Tom and Joe and when they both reached 23 Joe went on a space ride while his brother Tom stayed home on earth. The spaceship travels at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), and was going to Alpha Centaur the closet star to the earth. It took Joe three years to reach Alpha Centaur. When he got there he returned to earth right away, and when he got home, 6 years later he was 29 years old. He saw his brother Tom who also was 29 years old.
The original story stated that Joe was 29 years old when he returned home to earth and his brother was 59 years old and try’s to expound the theory that time slowed down for Joe and Tom lived out a natural life on earth. Let me first explain there is no proof or evidence to this story. Since time does not exists, it cannot force Joe body to slow down. He aged naturally like his brother tom.
The only issue here is not time or speed, but distance, which was overcome by speed and enabled Joe to travel at a great distance in a very short amount of time, the time for Joe was the same amount of time for Tom, and that was 6 years; both being 29 years old when Joe returned home.
Man’s Consciousness:
In regard to consciousness it becomes fundamental bases of understanding time. This in turn resulted in the creation of matter and energy as a derivative of divine consciousness. Like time we cannot see or touch or use any of our other senses to understand consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, is known and understood through our consciousness.
Note: Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918
Thought experiment #3
Myth about the Clock
You are at the laundry mat and you put some of you cloths into the dryer and turn it on. You see that you have 30 minutes of drying time and you become aware that as you watch the clock the time moves slowly, but as you turn away and read a magazine you find out that time went fast and your cloths is dry. The only difference between the times of you where watching the clock and when you where reading the magazine were the ideal of time anchored in your subconscious mind and nothing more.
The cloths did not dry faster when you where reading the magazine, it was that your subconscious mind was not aware of the moment pasting. When you are not aware of any moment or event or thing, then there is no time, for time does not exit until you become aware of it as a tool of measurement.
Time & Destiny:
A young man makes an incorrect decision and it cost him his life. Because he was young many people would make this statement “He died before his time.” First of all time does not exist and second maybe it was his destiny to die young? Let us define the word fate and destiny.
Definition: Destiny or Fate is a predetermined course of events. It may be conceived as a predetermined future.
Fate: Traditional usage defines fate as a power or agency that predetermines and orders the course of events. Fate defines events as ordered or "inevitable" and unavoidable. It is a concept based on the belief that there is a fixed natural order to the universe and in some conceptions, the cosmos or the creative power of God. Fate is often conceived as being divinely inspired. Destiny: The word destiny is used with regard to the end result or happening of an event as it unfolds itself; and to that same sense of "destination", the process that unfolds into the future to become the flow of events as they will work themselves out.
We move, we live, we exist, but there is no evidence that we are aging or getting old, for age is a by-product of time and since time does not exist, we do not grow old. What our body experiences is changes and transformation through the altering of our body chemistry and cellular process of generation and regeneration. If the telomere, the DNA link that is connected to every cell would never run short we would obtain immortality as long we are not over come by disease or suffer any major injuries, then we would never become aware of time. As cells divide, the telomeres get shorter each time, until, they are gone. At that point, the “real DNA” cannot be copied anymore and the cell simply ages and no longer replicates itself; then it is said we died of old age.
In century past we have experience a number of transitions, we had the Renaissance Period, the Age of Reason, the Industrial & development Age, The Age of Enlightenment, and the Information Age. Each is said to have its unique moments is time where certain events and things happen to move the human race forward in its life long learning of the world we live in. But again, this time frame of its moments or age is only a tool of measurement, for time itself did not record these events, man recorded them in years which again is another tool or invention of time.
Thought Experiment #4
The Photographs
When we take a picture of a house, that picture is taken in the present, the moment, the now, not the past or the future but in the now; and when we look at that same pictures ten years later it does not represents the past, for we are looking at the picture in the present, the now that was taken ten years ago. If we were able to look at that picture taken ten years ago in the past we would have to be in the past, but since time does not exist it is impossible to live in the past to view this picture of the house. Another way of looking at it is, we cannot take a picture of the past or of the future because time does not exists, the past never existed and the future never is, so only in the present moment can we observe or examine things.
Physics: Worm Whole
A wormhole is a theoretical concept developed out of Einstein's theory of general relativity in which space-time curvature connects two distant locations in times. This idea and concept came about from a man who watched a worm eat a whole in an apple at one end and come out at the other end; from this observation a theory was born.
The name wormhole was coined by American theoretical physicist John A. Wheeler in 1957, based on an analogy (idea) of how a worm could chew a hole from one end of an apple through the center to the other end, thus creating a "shortcut" through the intervening space.
This theory can never become reality because it rely on space-time to carry out its purpose and since time does not exist a worm whole cannot open up its way to another location in the universe because time has no shape or form, no dimension, and does not occupy space and is not a entity nor does it have substance or energy or force of any kind. There is no proof or evidence of any one creating a worm-whole and that it’s possible to do; for if this already was done then it would no longer be talked about as a theory. Hollywood science fiction movies make worm-whole an interesting story to create box ticket hits.
Thought experiment #5
Checking Time
When I ask you what time is it? As you look at your watch to tell me the time, the future has already become the past and so then there is no present so then time doesn’t exist.
When Michele Besso, a close friend of Albert Einstein died at the age of 81 in Geneva Einstein wrote a letter to Besso family that became his famous quote “Now that he had depart from this strange world a little ahead of me that means nothing. We physicist who believe know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubborn and persistent illusion." Albert Einstein died one month and 3 days later on 18 April 1955.
Thought Experiment #6
Twin Mirror illusion
Put yourself in a hallway where you mounted two mirrors one on each side of the hall about four feet off the floor. You are standing in the middle of the hallway facing forward and as you turn your body to your left you see yourself in the mirror, but you see three or four of you in the mirror, one behind the other. Then you turn to the right and you see the same effects, both of these effects are illusions but it demonstrates a really also. Let me explain, the mirror effect to the left is an illusion and it does not represent the past, because their is no time. When you turn to the right it does not represent the future because it hasn't happen and time does not exist.
Past Present and Future
The past are events and experience lived and gone, the present is the now we see and know and the future are things yet to come; all three exist but they exist without time. Through pictures we know of the past and through memories we can live it in our minds, and through divine premonition and prophecy we are able to get insight of the future, in all three reality there is no time.
You cannot go back into time to see yourself as a baby because time does not exist, for in order to go back into time, past events must first be recorded for if nothing is recorded you can't go back into time because you can't go back to nothingness. I know no proof or evident that mother nature or the universe as a whole record past events, they do not. Time is a measurement of moment to moment in the now. the present we are living and experiencing this is the only true realty.
When we accept the position that time does not exist, then past and future also does not exist, and the only reality the subconscious can perceive is the present, the now which allows us to take control of our life. Human thought affects time and space in the present, the now and causes the universe to change, move, and alter in accord to the nature of the thought influencing it.
We know that the universe and everything in it is vibrating and moving in a constant speed according to its frequencies and since time only exist in the present, the now, it is impossible to relive the same vibration and movement of the universe and everything in it that we have just experienced, witness and examined two minutes ago because the past like time does not exist. What we have experienced in the present is recorded in our subconscious mind, we can relive it in our mind but we can not relive in the real physical world.
History cannot record the past because it must first be lived in the present for only the present can be lived, experienced and recorded before it can become history.
Albert Einstein theory of special relativity and his theory on general relativity has been a great break through in the field of theoretical physics, however, these two great theories can only be applied in our universe in the present time, in the now and cannot be used to measure or predict anything in the past that was or in the future that has not yet be lived or experience.
When we accept the position that time does not exist, then past and future also does not exist, and the only reality the subconscious can perceive is the present, the now which allows us to take control of our life. Human thought affects time and space in the present, the now and causes the universe to change, move, and alter in accord to the nature of the thought influencing it.
Motion & Speed:
We know that the universe and everything in it is vibrating and moving in a constant speed according to its level of frequencies and since time only exist in the present, the now, it is impossible to relive the same vibration and movement of the universe and everything in it that we have just experienced, witness and examined two minutes ago because the past like time does not exist. What we have experienced in the present is recorded in our subconscious mind, we can relive it in our mind but we can not relive in the real physical world.
Speed must be considered when doing thought experiments because as human thought can affect our experiments, speed can also alter the results of our tests.
History cannot record the past because it must first be lived in the present for only the present can be lived, experienced and recorded before it can become history.
Albert Einstein theory of special relativity and his theory on general relativity has been a great break through in the field of theoretical physics, however, these two great theories can only be applied in our universe in the present time, in the now and cannot be used to measure or predict anything in the past that was or in the future that has not yet be lived or experience.
Three Thought Experiments
In theoretical physics it is believed that time slows down as we increase our velocity and start moving faster. This is incorrect thinking, its only an illusion, time as we know it does not exist so it does not slow down, for time as a measuring tool remain constant, what is happening is we are covering more distance (space) in a short amount of time.
If we to travel a distance of 60 miles at a speed of 1 mile per hour at the close of 60 minutes we would have traveled 60 miles. If we increase our speed to 120 miles per hour than in 60 minutes we would have traveled 120 miles. What we can observe it that the time remains the same but because of the increase of speed we have traveled twice the distance; only more space was covered as time remained constant.
Space-Time continuum is only an illusion, first its principle of operation cannot be used in the past or in the future, it can only be used or experience in the present, the now since time does not exist. Again, time is only a tool to measure events and moments and nothing more. The principle of space-time is related to how much space (distance) can be covered in a relative amount of time.
If we have two trains, each on its own tracks and each train have a clock, and both clocks having the same time. The speed of the first train travel 60 miles an hour and the second train speed is 30 miles an hour. In one hour the first train has traveled 60 miles and the second train has traveled 30 miles, but both clocks still have the same time; because the first train traveled faster, yet time did not slow down, only more space was traveled in the same amount of time.
Gravity & Space:
When a train is moving up a hill, the pull of gravity is heavier and more energy is required for the train to reach its target and only the time and distance was affected and altered. Space in everywhere it engulfs the entire universe, just as time is everywhere like space but both exist in the present time.
When you have two atomic clocks both set at the same time and one is placed in a jet plane and the other remain at the airport. The jet plane traveled around the earth, non sopped and returned to the airport and both clocks were compared and it was showed that the clock that was on the plane is now running slower than the one left at the airport. This experiment is said to show how time can slow down when traveling at a fast speed. The result of this experiment is incorrect. Time did not slow down but the clock in the plane was flying at a high attitude with gravity having less attraction or pull on it, slowing it down compared to the clock on earth at the airport were gravity had a greater pull and keeping it constant. Gravity has no hold on time, but gravity can have an affect on man made mechanical devices.
Planet Rotation:
We measure time by the rotation of the earth as it completes one rotation in 23 hours and 56 minutes and 4 seconds; and all our understanding and concepts of time is set through this process. Now if we measure the rotation of Jupiter which is much larger than that of earth we find out that it will completes one rotation in 10 hours, making Jupiter time different than that of earth. Time is not the same everywhere in the universe, but it is always measurable and workable in the now, in the present tense
Dr. John A. Hozvicka D.Msc., D.Sc., D.D.