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Coconut Curry Lentil and Sweet Potato Stew


1 Bag (about 2 cups) lentils)

3 or 4 Sweet Potatoes

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Or Coconut Oil)

2 Onions

as many garlic cloves as you want

Bell Peppers (I use one of each color)

a few stalks of Celery

about 5 jalepenos (it seems like a lot, but I used more last time and nobody tasted heat)

2 tbsp Curry Powder (you can just use one if your not a fan of spicy)

2 tsp Cumin

1 Tsp Cinnamon

Tiny bit grated ginger

Can of Coconut Milk


Dice your onions, celery, and peppers.  Peel and cut sweet potatoes into cubes (You dont have to peel, I mean, I dont, I DO wash them though).

Saute your onions, celery, and peppers in your oil.  Once they are nice and sweaty, throw in the coconut milk and the spices and ginger. Let the flavors blend for a minute, then throw in the lentils and sweet potatoes.  You will need to add some water, about 2 cups (maybe less, this is all based on preference, plus it does thicken up)

Optional: I like to cube an apple or two and throw it in with the sweet potatoes. It works with the flavors.

When the stew is done and I have made my bowl, I like to squeeze some fresh lime juice from half a lime in there, stir it around, then throw some chopped green onions on top of that.




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