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Green Smoothie (Rocket Fuel)

This is all based on preference, you can add or subtract whatever.

Kale (This is the depends on taste ingredient)

About half a Cucumber (you can use a whole one)

1 Apple or Pear (chopped, skin intact)

1 Banana (skinless obviously)

2 to 3 tbsp Flax, Chia, or Hemp Seed (I personally like hemp)

A small piece of ginger grated up

About half to one full 8 oz cup water (You can add more)


This makes a huge cup so to normal(whatever that means) people, this may make 2 servings. But I usually start my day with this, and I take about a half hour to drink it.

I basically throw in the Apple/Pear, Banana, Cucumber water and lemon juice in first. Then I can add the kale from the top until it is desired consistency. (I have a thing for Ghostbusters Ectoplasm, it almost looks like it would glow in the dark).  THEN I throw in the grated ginger and the seeds last, because by that time the shake is thick as heck and has created a vortex straight to the blades and I feel it cuts up the seeds better that way.


Enjoy....btw, once in a blue moon I throw a scoop of either Pure Whey Isolate or Hemp protein powder in, but I don't really think it needs it. I never use sugar, so to my taste buds it is sweet enough, but you could add your own sweetner if you want (honey, stevia, maple syrup, molasses, whatever)



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