Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Olof Ohman was clearing trees on his farm near Kensington in the fall of 1898 in preparation for planting the following spring. When he finally managed to down one of those trees, a large rock was found clasped in the roots. Olof supplied a sketch to the Minnesota Historical Society in 1910 showing how the main root had grown along side the stone and a smaller root had grown across the stone and then down the opposite side. Two of Olof’s sons were helping their father that afternoon-Olof, Jr. (age 11) and ten year old Edward. It was Edward who first noticed some kind of writing chiseled into the stone when it was pulled from the ground. The slab-like stone lay so that the characters were on the bottom and were exposed as Edward brushed off the dirt. The roots were cut and the stone hauled to the Ohman farm yard where the dirt was removed. When asked about the stone’s cleaning, during an interview conducted by the Minnesota Historical Society in 1949, Edward replied “we did the best we could” to expose the carved inscription.
The stone, approximately 31” X 15” X 6” and weighing about 200 lb., contains an inscription of 12 lines using the runic alphabet. Nine lines appear on the face and the last three on a side. Word of the unusual discovery spread relatively quickly. In his letter dated January 1, 1899 John P. Hedberg, mayor of Kensington, arranged to have a sketch of the stone and inscription sent to his friend Swan J. Turnblad, publisher of Svenska Amerikanska Posten in Minneapolis, MN. Turnblad, in turn forwarded the sketch to the University of Minnesota. Prof. Olaus J. Breda was unable to make a complete translation, but identified the characters as Norse runes. |
Breda correctly surmised that some of the runes were numbers (which he couldn’t translate) and suggested that several others were not consistent with those with which he was familiar. The translation he offered can be paraphrased, “an unknown number of Swedes and Norwegians on a journey from Vinland camped one day’s journey from this stone. One day after coming home from fishing a number of men were found red with blood and dead. AVM-save from evil. Have men at the ocean to look after our ships. Year-unknown.”
Linguists and runologists have scrutinized the inscription for years and reported their findings. Breda’s basic translation has been modified slightly but the greatest change occurred when the date at the end of the inscription was reported: 1362. This inferred that a group of Scandinavians had ventured into the heart of North America 130 years prior to Christopher Columbus landing in the West Indies and hence being credited with discovering America.
My name is Robert Voyles, and I reside in Bloomington, Minnesota. On June 25th, 2010, I successfully de-coded the exact manner in which a returning Norse party would be able to quickly relocate what is now known as the Kensington Runestone.
After making their way back to the general area, they would find the large boulders the 1362 expedition had marked with "stone-holes," and then they would outline the perimeter of the boulders and use a special formula of triangulation to discover the hidden geometric design. Then they would simply look for a large X in the design, already knowing that the very important stone they wanted to dig up could found right there in that one spot-exactly where the future Kensington Runestone did in fact turn up over five hundred years later!
This discovery will have serious repercussions on American history, because what I'm disclosing is that I found a special Knights Templar X over the Runestone Park site-within a deliberate and purposeful man-made geometric design. And I also discovered that the Kensington Runestone itself had been placed in such as way as to serve as the hook on the hidden X! Historians should not be surprised by this discovery, as the Runestone was already shown to have secret Templar X's on it several years ago by Scott Wolter, a geologist from Chanhassan who recently wrote the book entitled, "The Hooked X, Key to the Secret History of North America."
In his new book, Mr. Wolter does a beautiful job of weaving together several examples of Templar usage of the hooked X in both Europe and America...including those exhibited on the Kensington Runestone itself. Most Americans would be shocked to learn that Christopher Columbus used the hooked X within his signature! In my opinion, Mr. Wolter did an extremely good job of presenting the available stone-hole information known about the Runestone Park site. He presented it in such a way-with a map even-that I was able to triangulate the stone-hole boulders over and over again with a ruler until I was finally able to extract the correct formula from the mess of crisscrossing chaos. I was stunned when I first saw the complete geometric design containing the deliberately made hooked X staring me right in the face! Everything had been frustrating and nonsensical until I finally ran all the lines the correct way, as a returning Knights Templar party knowing the formula would have done right away.
The "code breaker," if you will, was to use each and every large boulder on site for the outline of the geometric design-including the boulder that had been moved and the two upper ones that weren't yet connected by Mr. Wolter in his book, and then to use each boulder just once to run each interior line. That's how the large X was first produced over the site by the Templars, and that's the same formula used by me to crack the secret Templar code used to bury the stone.
I believe Minnesotans and history buffs alike will find this new evidence connecting the Kensington Runestone to the Knights Templar very compelling and not overreaching, considering the statistical probability of what I'm claiming in this statement to be true. If professional geometric studies are conducted concerning this incredible new find, I think most people, including ignorant detractors, will conclude that this new evidence is very powerful. In my opinion, this new discovery, this new evidence, is just what the world needs to better understand what the Kensington Runestone is all about.
I'm making this statement available as soon as possible because I want people everywhere to be able to see this new and compelling evidence connecting the Kensington Runestone to the Knights Templar. I especially want historians to quickly see and appreciate the historical significance of this recent find. Finally, if geometric studies can be made where other concentrations of stone-holes are found, maybe another purposeful geometric design can be found... maybe containing another purposeful X-and maybe even having another runestone serving as the hook on the X! That's just how important this new discovery may be. It's another piece of the history puzzle to build upon, and that's why I'm urging folks to seriously consider this new information and to tell others about it. My hope is that this amazing new discovery will quickly begin to wind its way into the hearts and minds of people everywhere.
Robert Voyles