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From my archives... 4

Dear John:

I enjoy your column and would like your opinion about something. I recently watched a movie which brought up the premise about repetitive existence and reincarnation.Both circumstances evidently take place after death. Either the person reincarnates into a whole new situation of being OR the soul can get caught up in a type of situation like that which Bill Murray portrayed in "Ground Hog Day" where the last life experience is repeated over and over. Can this really happen? I thought there might be some validity to it since there have been recorded instances of ghostly circumstances that repeat over and over again usually on the anniversary of death. I would be very interested in what you have to say about this. Also, if this can be true then how could those souls be released from the situation? Thank you for your time. Edward, ME  

  Thank you Edward for your question repetitive existence and reincarnation. First I would like to say that my beliefs on this come from many years of paranormal investigations and my own personal spirituality. So lets first look at reincarnation: The rebirth of a soul in a new body; A person in whom a soul is believed to have been reborn. The belief in reincarnation is in many different religions and there has been many books written about it also. The way I look at it is that the life that I am living now is like a school to learn lessons and help teach others some of the lessons that I have learned. So with this in mind, when my soul was reincarnated in to this life was it to learn these lessons or was it random? I think that God or the Universe will work with a soul to get the lessons that the soul needs to graduate. Just like in school you start at one grade and work your way up till you graduate from the school. This is when you hear people say that some one is on a higher spiritual level, like in a different grade at school. What happens after graduation? That is a good question that I can only guess at what will happen. Some say that you go to another school, a different existence that is not the same as your life now. Some say it as another type of being or in a different dimension, I don’t have any opinion on this but that there could be a higher existence. Keeping to this premise you may reincarnate in to the same situation if you did not learn the lesson of that life. This is not to say that you will be caught in a groundhog day, but that you will have the same life lessons to learn again till you get it right. So I do believe that you can relive a situation or a type of life over and over till you get it right. There is also a belief that if there is a part of your life that you need some type of closure to that before you reincarnate you may revisit it before you reincarnate. This will not occur on the earth plane but in a place that is between this world and the next. In accordance with the situation that needs work it could be a purgatory or like a groundhog day in an alternate existence. This would be a summer school for the soul so that you could go on to the next grade with out repeat the last life lesson. Some may even look at this as a punishment that has been imposed on the soul and it is trapped in the replay. This is not the same as a residual haunting, but in some ways it is the same. A residual haunting is a replaying of an event that had happened in the past, like a old movie. There is no awareness of anything being different than when the event happened, it is just the trapped energy replaying the event. There is two different beliefs, one that say that the soul is trapped in the loop and the other is that it is the events energy that is replaying. When looking at the residual haunting you will have to discern which is true to the haunting. If it is a soul that has not moved on and is stuck in a residual haunting you may be able to affect the replay in someway. If it is just the energy of an event replaying over and over again then you will not be able to affect the replay. If it is a soul that is trapped then you can help it to move on but if it is the energy of the event then you may not be able to do anything to stop the replay. You can try to clean the energy of the area or clear the area that has the residual energy, but this may not be that easy. With residual haunting you are not looking to help a soul to move on. The event that happened in the past has a life or an energy of its own and in such it will not have the same energy rules that a normal haunting has. The rules that I am talking of is the ones that govern souls, an event may not have any souls attached to it even if it looks like it does. Just because you see a spirit or several spirits it does not mean that they are souls attached to them. It is just a replay of an event and the players may not be there just their image. The event is the haunting not a spirits or ghost. If it is an anniversary type of residual haunting and you want to release the soul from the situation, then you need to find out what happened first. This is when you will research the event with historic records and interview anyone that may have an insight on the triggering event. Then you would determine if it is a movie or if the player is there, so that you can interact or not with the ghost. Just because you can not interact with a spirit does not mean that it is a residual haunting. You have to remember that just because you see them they may not see you or even know that you are there. This is because they exist in a different form of existence, that we may only get a glimpse of because we are living. Not all spirits know that they have passed on to this existence so they may not even consider that something is different from the day they passed. You have to observe the entire situation and if there is any deviation from one event to the next. You need to see if there are any changes that occur, this may take many years if it is a event that happens yearly. Just because it is a yearly event doesn't’t mean that it is a residual haunting. Clearing a yearly event may take several day’s not just the day that the event happens. Don’t think that every type of haunting can be cleared or released by doing a clearing of the area that the haunting occurs. Sometime to help release a soul from a haunting you may have to help it to complete a situation like the return of an item to its rightful place. This is where your research and interviews will come in handy in helping you to understand why there is a haunting. But as I said sometimes a residual haunting is hard to clear or clean up because as time has passed there may be no way of completing the situation. Each and every type and individual haunting is different and have their unique rules or reasons and have to be handled accordingly. If we are (as I believe) here in this life to learn the life lessons that are put to us and help resolve any karmic debts that we have accumulated over our many lives. Thank you again Edward for your question and I hope that my point of view on repetitive existence and reincarnation will help you to answer your questions. In doing this I hope that I have helped you to acquire your own point of view on the topic or at least a starting point.

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