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From My Archives 6

Dear John: I am the mother of three small children ages 2-6. My husband and I do our best to raise them in a loving and safe environment. I recently read a book by psychic Sylvia Browne called PHENOMENON. In one of the chapters she states that when a child has nightmares or night terrors the child is actually, "recalling or revisiting some horrifying trauma from a past life." This is disconcerting to me and I hope you can shed some light on this for us as my six year old has occasional nightmares that seem to be rather pronounced. They don't bother him afterwards but he often says that he is someone else in these dreams. The dreams are not repetitive and have different settings, action and characters. Other than that he is happy and healthy and does well in school. The peditrician just seems to shrug it all off so I thought I would seek a more spiritual answer. Thank you. Angela, DE


   Thank you Angela for your question, I can understand your concern for your children’s well-being in this regards. I am sorry that your son is having some nightmares, I hope that I can shed some light on past-life dreams. First I want to say that I am not familiar with Sylvia Browne’s book Phenomenon, but from what you have said, she said that when a child has a nightmare that it is actually recalling or revisiting some horrifying trauma from a past-life. I partially agree with this and feel that some of the nightmares could be past-life memories. I believe that past-life memories are in our subconscious and that it is in our sleep that we can sometimes access these memories. Our dreams are the subconscious playground where we process things that the subconscious and conscious mind have picked up during the day and from our past. We process things that we do not even know that we have been subconsciously thinking about or have seen. In a dream we can connect the subconscious and conscious mind with symbolism and images that we may not recognize with our conscious mind. I believe that children have more access to past-life memories in their dreams because of their lack of memories in the present and that they are more in tuned with their imagination. Past-life memories are not bad unless there is a reoccurring memory that oppresses the playground with its memories so that it affects our lives. From what you said he was not bothered by them so it sounds that you and your husband are doing a good job in providing a save and loving environment. I believe that we are the sum total of all the persons that we have been in our past lives. This is not to say that what we do, or the decisions we make in this life will not influence who we become, but it is more like we have a foundation to grow from in this life. Unfortunately the foundation may have some of the bad memories that can influence us through our subconscious. A good example of this could be the fear of flying, the fear of tigers or any fear that there is no reason for in this life. These can become a problem in this life if we do not learn to overcome the fears that are from our past lives. Getting back to children’s dreams and past lives, sometimes a nightmare is not a scary or as disturbing as we may think it is just different than our perception of our life. In our past lives we have been many different people and we could have been a different sex or race than we are now and this makes for a different perception of the world. A child dreams a dream that is made up of memories from this and past lives combining the two in to one dream. This dream in itself could be disturbing to a child that is in their early stages of their own identity. The way to keep this from causing problems is to provide a loving and safe environment for them to grow. In doing this you are helping to shape their identity so that the confusion that they may have over their identity is diminished with their well defined place in their family. There is some stones or crystals that may cause more past-life memories to surface and there are some that can help. You may want to see what stones or crystals he has in his room to see if any of these may be the type that could facilitate or be a catalyst for past-life recall. Here is a short list of some of the crystals and stones that I know that can be used in past-life regression; Andalusite or Chiastolite, Blue Apatite, Green Apatite, Cavansite, Celestial Quartz, Dioptase, Galena, Goethite, Black Kyanite, Merlinite, Snowflake Obsidian, White Phantom Quartz these could possible cause your son to have more access to these memories than he would if they were not present. This is not to say that if he has one of these crystals or stones that when it is removed that his past-life dreams will end, but it could help. You may want to think about looking into a dream catcher, a protective crystal or some other protective type of item for his room and explain that it is there to help make the bad dreams go away. With you talking to him about these dreams and continuing to provide him and your other children a safe and loving environment, you are doing what is needed to help him. I hope that I have help you to understand your situation and have provided a little insight on past-live dreams so you can better deal with there impact on your family.

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