Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Stock up on non-perishable foods as well as non-GMO seeds so ass to grow your own produce. Meat is another major concern. If you hunt, do so. Learn how to properly butcher and store meat. Make jerky and use the skins. Learn to tan hides so as to be able to iuse them. Buy and/or store fresh potable water. With the fertilizer no longer being shipped, this home made potash recipe and method is extremely important.The national supply chains have already been broken, so it is merely a matter of time until everything else follows and the store shelves are emptied and won't be filled again for some time.
How to Make Potash; A Necessary Fertilizer
Outdoor Survival: Skinning, Butchering and Cooking Wild Game
The Ultimate Guide to Using the Whole Carcass
Offal Good: Cooking from the Heart, with Guts: A Cookbook
The Ultimate Guide to Tanning Wild Game Pelts and Hides